anocp.s, »re. Js

... ARMj OF ENGLAND, CESERAL ORDERS OF THE 22D DEC £ 213 F ft. The General in Chief hailens to arnoi.nce that it has been agreed upon, v.ith the Chiefs ot' t!iC ir.iurger.t?, that tr.ere {hall b^ no requilition of money, nor that any of thofe already impofed lhaU be carried into ef- fecl, until it fhall be dejided if a refumptioa or hoi'tili- ties fhall take place, or not. in confequence, the ...


... HIGH COURT oj yUS7TCIARIZ On Thurfday came on the trial of James z Stevens, alias Douglas, accufed of flealing, Y on the 23d of July lall, from an inclofure at h Clerkington, an ox the property of William e. Laurie, farmer in Pardovan ; which ox he afterwards drove to Edinburgh, flaughtered, b and fold to butchers and other perfons there. t, The libel was refiriaed to an arbitrary P punithment ...


... COURTS MIRMI4. teat.. John Read, of the Wallace Rtgiinent Po of Fencibles, has been lately tried and, acquit.. ted by a Gencral Court Martial, held at Jerfey, Eu of fite charges, of abfence; drinking, whilft p upon duty, with an Officer' uner arrdt; conm tempt of difcipline and good order, -peaking difretpeafully of his fuperior OAicers; neg f cleing duty when Officer of the Main Guard. An( ...


... MURDER AND RQBBERY BATH;, Jan. 2.-On Monsay se'nnight 'William tE -Dench, a waggosierbelongingtoMr. Wilefhire,.of this W city, was fomnd dead about five o'clock in'the even-' .ig, a fhort way from the Rudltiw-rir, above Box-' a b bill, on the .Chippenhain road.' hIia 4adi,'i'medi- ti rh ately on receiving intelligence, took a Surgon .with tk h hii, and drove to the fpot, wliere they found the ...


... -- -- MiArivesta, ? . lis SATV~RDAYj-,JJ-AfARY 18. K ?? thi HANTS'EPI Si!rS- ONSf a? c th' :he LN '9 ?? E9ENT. - -, r ,ur Charles Shaw Lefevi;e; Erq. Chairman; Earl of ic Cs. Northefk; Earl of Banbury; Sir Wm. Heathcote nd Bart.-;' William' Chute,.:Lovelace .Big Withe* 1hi d- IWilliam Prowting, Chriftopher Hodges, Waiain , *ii Harris, William. -Nevilt, Thomas HallcerAv Ard tul -s Maidman, ...


... Thii ?? fpn. 17.) at twelve r'^lock. 3 fcr cert. cor. 6oj -J ,§ *_ 0 „ ?? ?? — Ex-tianj-es on liaitir, 13 = ...

Edinburgh, Jan. 30

... CbQinttrWb, al. 30. ir- IIIG; 6 I f SJCSvY HIG COUR T qj Y US MrIRIAA' a Me Monday, came on before the Court, the I_ trial of Griffith Williams, late a fiailor on f fe board the Sufannah of Charlellown, accufed of the murder of Anne Wilfod, or Bruce, n 'on the toth of December lall, in her houfe, le Smeiton's Clofe, Leith. The Court pronounced the ufual interlocu-f f tor, finding the libel ...


... ?? , - . -CORTIP1 OJ7KINd's BENCH, In, THE KCING9 *Vtt; . The Defendant/ cinre up, according to the: Order of the Court, to receive Jutdgmeent in -an .infohation for a Libtl on Captain Smith, of the Navy, haijng fffired. h* j udgment to go by default-which Libel appeared in .the Tim~es. -- Several paragraphs in different Paperssbad pievioufly . appeared, purpor* -that a Captain in -the -Navy ...


... FRCM OUR LONDON CORRE. i' ,s HOUSE OF LORDS. Kin nary SCO I S APPt A h. Mt'CULLOCri Ct. ?? AND OTI Tlieir Lordfhips finifned the hearing lative to this Appeal ; after which the I lor addreffed the Koufe upon the fdafcA , - and concluded by moving a rcfolution, - which was, to affirm one of the interim Scotch Court and icverfe the other — v.* irr-- concurrence of their Lord fhips, was order. ...

!TO FARMERS, &c. TT' iRMERS and Others may be fupplied wirh SOUND SEED £ POTATOES deliverable at Leith, by applying

... to Alexan- der ?? merchant then, ?? March 1. iBiO. WESTMINSTER SOCIETY. FOR INSURANCE ON LIVES AND SURVIVORSHIPS AND GRANTING ANNUITIES. Efiailifhcd 1792. No. 4Z9, Strand — London-. RoBXaT Laddrokr, Efq. Chairman. William Mori-ano. Efq. M. P. Deputy Chairman. R. Skci.ton, Secrcrary. Mr I'itt, in the late difcruffion on the Income Bill, recommend- ed to Parliament, which its wifdom thought ...


... ' I;AW iNrELLIGENCCE. * KNO s,2E-NCH, FEBen^iRn zot}, xgot,' BefqrejLbrd4, enyon and a Special Jury. ,ST.UA lA'NG AN - H'E ESIS. . This was 'an'JnfNtration filled Ay-th'e'Attoroey- General iga1inff Jarries Thornporin for ilia-he beng a .perfbn jof'Io~ condition in life,' didfor he fake bf an infantV' of the age of fourteen ?? male oath, that 'thb rald 'Marl: With;r 'rc;and to obtiain the ...

Published: Tuesday 04 March 1800
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 621 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment