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... FALL OF YARMOUTH SUSPEXSIOv BRIDGE. y UPWARDS OF ONE HUNDRED LIVES LOST (From a Second Edition ofthe Norwich Mercury YARMOUTH, Friday Night. It is with an almost overwhelming feeling of awe that attempt to draw upon our faculties for a description scene of horror it has never yet been the lot of any joum l in this country, if in England, to recorel. In vain do w . ...


... NORFOLK. NORWICH, Saturday Night. The journalist has but seldom to record an event of such a distressing character as one which occurred on Friday evening last, at Yarmouth, by which there is little doubt that upwards of one hundred persons lost their lives. In the afternoon of Friday, Nelson, the Clown at Cooke's Circus, proceeded to perform a feat which has excited some attention, both in ...


... I THE LATE DREADFUL CATASTROPHE \T YARMOUTH. ADDITIONAL lA KTICIT. AI;S. (From the Second Edition of the Norfolk News.) One of the most calamitous events which cv. r befel this town, or any other in this district ofthe kingdom, has just transpired, and has spread lamentation anel grief throughout the entire population. The scene of this dreadful eveat was the Suspension-bridge, on the North ...


... FALL OF YARMOUTH SUSPENSION BRIDGE. (From the Norwich Mercury.) YARMOUTH, Friday Night. It is with an almost overwhelming feeling of awe that we attempt to draw upon our faculties for a description of a scene of horror, it has never yet been the lot of any journalist in this county, if in England, to record. In vain do we endeavour to select words which may in the most fitting manner ...

TO CORRESPONDENTS. We have in type notice of the life of the late Dr. Card, which we are reluctant!> compelled

... postpone till our next. A letter the broad gauge is unavoidably omitted, as also the Droitwich and other communications. We have two reasons for not inserting the Gloucester imports : first, because , when copied from the Gloucesterpapers,the names of the Worcester importers are frequently omitted, and they are therefore not be depeuded on ; secondly, our space has been generally occupied by ...


... Tuesday Evening. The jury re-assembled this morning shortly after nine o'clock, and an additional list of bodies found and persons missing was laid before them: — The following presentment to the town council was agreed to:— We the undersigned, now acting as jurymen npon the inquisitien upon the bodies of th ■_ several persons who met their death from tbe falling of the suspension bridge on ...