Advertisements & Notices

... ho0ot~r of the itverpool.Mercurys, at Se pr0teet ent of the year, feels it absolutely sm~tate to ?? of his Subscribers ~aY tto ~se in the coptry to whom prin- *icak ly ve been sent, that unless their ar- Th . i,.- 11 oI tl ad p ewill be under .4rs g~e tecesyp iofideclining to forward Th th npleo u a to their address. However re. - ,ryKppers * individuals here alluded to may be, ,Ciplei e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,g~LAST NiGHT OF 'IRD, AND MISS S. BOOTH. t BLA1C AI St For the Bresfit oJ C MISS s. BOOTH, In 1?jDAY, :SEPTEMBER i, 1817s I'M1~s ,Shkidah'5 celebrate CohSdy of the ,OL FON)R SCANDAL R t ?? BLANCHARD, ?? . ?? Miss S. BOOTH. A Vtplbe Puayad Fseceldiss S. Boatb wih recite Si LISOS DE ON THE PASSiONS, With approprnate Music. To rcteaft with, by pticulr esirer f SPOILED CHILD. , pickle, (with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'For SALE, FREIGHT Or CHARTER, The Russian Ship NADESCHDA, 3J. B. PUTTMAN, Master; Burthen550 tosns.-about four year old, and may be sent to sea at a smali * espence. Apply to Capt. Pttuiano 0 bKard, King's Dock, or to CROPPER, BENSON and Co. For FREIGHT or CHARTER, From- SWEDEN to the UNITED STATES, ; Two American Ships-lying at LAN- SC RONA. The ALEXANDER MANSFIELD burthen about a50 tons. L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. TAYLEUJRE -o honser to anno~unce to his Friends and the Pub-, ti ;ig his BEiNEFIT is appointed for this present 0 -Y, Oetober 29, w~hen will be presented he fa. Or, AULD .LANCG SYNE. ecourse of' the Eventig, the following Songs, &c. i~ng. THE 1IG1L& LAD, Mrs. Gr ck. Th: ogh I 7ae you nwo, in sorrow, * For- j eor o and oroken rkertijd, By ?i Payne'and Mrs.Garrick. !Ie,Myloves like ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1 t:R THEhD. .1E21TO R. F.. KZV7CHT. TI17 MR. HARLW:'ST FIFTH NIGHT. IR. KNIGHT, of thcTheatre-Royal, Drury-une, j begs leave most refill y to inform the No-. . vy, his F'rien a4 the Pblirthat his BENEFIT 7tale place' THIS PRESENT FRIDAY, the 2d ne: iov; on -which oecasion ihefallowing popular Piees to eeer.n selecte& in order to render-as perfect as pos. psarforrnance ofthe'Evensng-_ * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U) Zo e' ,gCrreitnpl~nhtnf es Aelrnltr's letter is inserted in this day's Mercury. and we to th' this opportunity to offer that explanation which he seen to think is called for In consequence of a remark contain y-: In the ffercury of the 9th instant The observations Cr Coi tained in the ffrst paragraph of Alercator's letter are, ijo opinion, rather plausible than correct. It is true, thal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ll) jkR TLIEA'VRE, -Ij rI..sT Gi7IT OP TIHR SP.SO.V BI,?FIT Of Mr. RAYMOND, this Evening ,oll dl av Na1I, 'rill be performed an admired mudeal .,CjcUJrd DEAD ALIVE! oni ZUJ.IADS AND Ti'E CALIPH. tbe l'iece a Turkish fDance, by Mrs. Nelson. ., i ble partler desire, play the original Overture ettee5ti s p several scenes from . ?? ~ o ace°nrl~it=ttte rnted in tise Theatre, r ,itti ~llTo TYLER. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U Salto b) Ructioflt. sLN O. PURNITUAR. 4c. EDGE-BuLL. iY MESSRS. TAYLOR 4 HIMIE. LBy ilriday) the 18th instant, Precisely ait ?? o'clock, on ?Itie Preemlises. No. I * Mason-street, FAgge-hill, ,lpgcruine HOUSEHOLD FU'IRNITURE, Eigiht.dlay ?? Utensils, 16 dozen PORT WI'Ny., live yecars theb tle, small quantity of Sherry, and (ttier Effect', the t,of a Geiitlean5i declining( H-ousekieeping. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IXNTENSIVE SALE OF1 PAWNHROKERS' STOCKi, On By m11. T. BRANCH, thr loth ingtant, at Eleven o'clock precisely, This DiY. (Friday. ait tile Hanover roomns, . 11E third and last day's SALE of the above. A T ilentioocil important and valioablo IST(CK, loclodog I N trev rt jf Gold and silver Watches, Jewducy,51 latv, ! and other valuable Effoete, Of Which Cattalogilea may' bes- bad. fl VA AE NAND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESTABLISHED Pol THE LAEw FIMEEN 1 MAR' gO JFBSoR WEDOUUR'S IHYGEI I N p { TERB PhLL, & e oelebrated CORDIAL RAIN st^e Wish es cbox Of P5orinoCS Sd eto'lyein Herb Flue, -re s S. gd,. sad di ad, per iox, is given extiracts frmi the Sret- jaetrn eontai3ng obsoevtles ani hinbts of umutsn uU Io those F~heH o fraU tho irluedotteSU 5555d Moccury , *u,&o The ocelbr5.ld OODRDLL BALM OF 3MRCCA is a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pB5I5ON~nz~sssaD.PURSUAN TO AIM 11 STE CHAP. I10 ROSPECrUS Ot~ BELFAST aned ENNIS. P KILLS?' RAILWAY, bY DUNGANNION, with a BRANCH ToLOUGH ERNE. CAPITAL £ 20.00 Shares of £25 each. Be DEPOSI £2 109, per Share. BRC NoShareholder liable bcerftid the aouent of his Susi'cription. IN PioITNLCOMMIeTnRr. it I The inight flonourable Lord Viscount Northland Ins Sir James Emereon Trennant, Tempo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Engage freightb per. C.A.MREO' mut all be Shippednth 31st aesbr, Sn let anry No prevlously engae hegt ALTE will be recelyed after the lbt JsoUsrY. BRITISH AND NO~RTH AMERICAN OA MAIL STEAM SHPS of20 In# tns, and 44o-hor555s poe ah Appointed by theAdmiraltY tosoil between usa ClLIVERPOOL and BOSTON, Cabin Fs Caling at HIALIFAX to land and recelvg abPinF Passengers and ihsr lijosiy's Mails. ply ...