... LOVE 1~U2~R~ T~DSUsaZE. The Gazette des -ib-unaoaex gives the. following romantic ac- count of a murder and suicide, from a letter dated Tilis, in Georgia, Dec. 3:- In March last, a Major Iznokof, who was in the. Russian service, and residing in'the village of -Boujnaki, in Georc'ia, espoused the daugh'ter of a prince named Jichmil. The. mar riage was not one of inclination on~the part of ...


... POLICE IrWTEZ.LIGEIrCE. Cove'aU-llo U.51?, BRiSTsoL, MTIIRADtY. s Maglistrates proe~lt: Mlessrs. Wood nnd Franiklynl. A teecetlr'idreaued nitin, giving his name Jo~seph Dory, wansc brought u~p in eastody of ithe offleers of St: Peter's Hlospitall, soid 1 chatrgedl with havinig loft his wvife chargeable to the parish. The wife, a pretty young- woman, with anr infanit in her arms, sitatedE that ...


... 'TBz coxT3p.T, E69. WINDSOlt, Sund(ay.-This mnorning the Queen and Prince. Albert, and top, Count Mensdorf, attended divine service in the royal chipel of St. George. The Rev. Mr. Markham preached a most eloquent sermon from the 4th and bth verses of the 15th chapter of St. Luke's gospel. The Queen received addresses on the throne, on Wednesday afternoon, at Buckingham Palasce, from the ...


... Assrz Ir RELMZGENfCZ. EXEOUTION AT LINCoIN.-On Friday last Thomas is Johnston, aged 28, suffered the extreme penalty of the law for on the new drop at Lincoln Castle. The culprit had been in found guilty of the murder of Elizabeth Evison, an aged woman, residing at Croft. The concourse of spectators to witness his awful end could not have been less than 8000.7 .n- Doncaster Gazette, n- At the ...


... SOMERSETSIZSM AS5ZZFAS [CONTINUED FRO5U iSCYENTH PAGE.) CROWN COURT.-THURSDAY. Bduln Colley and Joseph Mewnsuan, two boyst of 14 and 12 of~ years old, were indicted for feloniously setting fire to a Citable at Queen Camel, thle property of Charles Jay. The huildlitg, havintg been improperly described in the indictment, the Coon~ directed ?? ssIntiattl. michael O'Areil, a sergeant in thle 40th ...


... 3A2q?LRUPTCy COURT. MONDAY. ?? Mfr. fosnns7issiotner Stephen.) IN5 Ha HARFOItD, DAVIES, AND CO.-On his Honour taking his seat, Mr. Palmer said he wished to offer an explanation with re* freoelce to an observation made by binm lost week, and whicih had been repsorted-and he wias bound, in justice to the s eperter, to oay moot correctly resorted-its a public paper. To these whob were acquainted ...


... , : . . f LN : . , - PvQ1xcd*lv ATz6:G>92x¢;M C0 NOeIL-HBSRi BsrsrMa, SAV&DAY. Magistrates present i The Mor, and Messrs. Leani Newman, George, and tierapath. Sarah Bleekl was charged with stealing the goods of Sarah ,and Mary Nowmain; tappeared from the statement of ODe of the complainants, that theproperty consisting of a pair of boots, L two aprons; and a pair of ?? wis stolen from a room ...


... COURT OF ¢XCHEQUER.-SATVRDAY. efore Lord Abinjer and a Special Jury.~ CIZZTA. CON. CATH5EISODD V. CAST.ON. This was an action for a criminal conversation with plain- tilf's wife. TIhe damages were laid at 50001. Tne tdefendlant pleae that lie was not guilty 1 AIthle grievance complained o.and ailso~ tha't the lady, wh a h ubeto h action, was not the lawful wife of the plaintiff The Attornevy ...


... On Monday, in re Harford and Davies, a first dividend of 2s. was declared on the private estate of William Weaver Davies. In the course of the proceedings, the following conversation took place. Mr. CLARK said he believed that Mr. Savery had mentioned to his honour (Mr. Sergeant Stephen) that the Ebbw Vale and Sirhowy estates had been sold. His HONoun-Yes; for 216,0001. Does that include the ...


... THE LATE ALLEGED CASE OF CRUELTY AT THE VINCHCOMB GRAMIMAR SCHOOL The circumstances attending the death of Conrad Algernon Cairter, a fine and promising youth, the Son of a Tespe9tIable selicitor at Winchoomb, have already appeared- in ,our: columns. In consequence of the severe censure conveyed to Mr. Lapiworth by the coroner's jury, the trustees of the school deemed it their Imperative ditty ...


... Cou~cvr.-Housx, B555,5'oL, S.,trUI,5DA V, Julyj 4. Magistrates present: Messrs. Howell1 and Ricketts, WillianaTrrelure was charged with stealing X4 los, from Win. Egdell. Egdell is asaidlor, lately paid oil' from the brigantine Flirt; hie got drinking in a public-house in Templeostrect, and there met with the prisoner, whoe entered into cojiversation with him; whilst in the public-house tile ...


... BRISTOL C)YURT OF BANKRUPTCY. MONDAY. f~ejfbe JO 1netwsioueri Mr. Sergeaot Stephel.) Ie H. DURIDEN, Of ortchcombe-mill, manufacturing chemist. yr. lirooke Smith appeared to oppose tile bankrupt upon his 1,3t e-aminatioan for Messrs.AAncel and Bryant, wholesale drug- glats, of London, creditors for £485 8s. 8d. ginoF ?to th'e various questions put to him, the bankrupt the debt to Messrs. ...