... Caunicl-House, Bristol, Friday. Magistrates present: Messrs. Hoavell, Lunell,and Newman. George Coombs and James Collins, two boys well known to the police, were charged with having a quantity of bell metal in their possession, supposed to have been stolen. ?? Summers, of the detective force, deposed that last night, while on duty on the Rlope-walk, with r.u. Elmes, he saw the prisoners go and ...


... This session commenced on Tuesday, and there was an nui- Dually large attendance of magistrates. About sixty attended, _ amongst whom were W. B. rurnell. Esq. (chairman), Earl Bllen- borough, Earl Fitzhardinge (Lord-Lieutenant of the county), Sir Fras. Crawley Boevey. Sir WD;. Codrington, M.P., Sir Miohaeli Hicks Beach, Mr. Mullinga, M.P., Messrs. Hirehouse,Fripp, &D. After the reception of ...


... POLICE INTELaLIGENCE. I- - 3- - i- - - . . . . . . . ?? - - - - - SI COtxOIL-HOUS19, BRISTOL, SA'URDA Y. 0] Magistrates present: Messrs. Herapath and J. N. Sanders. David Griffiths, an old offender, was fined 20a. and costs, or one month's imprisonment, for being disorderly and assaulting C a constable. a Jeremy Leary was charged with stealing a water-cask, the a property of - Wallis. ...


... R- ?? BIS-lTO'L COURlT Or, BANKtRUPJTCYt. Is r, William Lowe, Bristol, toymann, debts welre 1roved amounting to £632. TIle bankrupt, who appeared for ills last examination, stated in reply to the learned commissioner, that |e ahttributed his bankrlptcy to the pressure of two or thrcc of !Ils creditors, with whou lihe could nlot make terms. The Court said the conduct lie had pursuied, in making ...


... Held before J1 . GJiXNzDo, Esq., Coroner DRtEAD)FUL AOCODRNT WITH MACHIONERY.-~An inquest eeaS held on Thursday, at Spring Gardens tavern, ?? the body of Mr. S9amuel Hunter, aged 30, Whlose death wasca sione(I under tlieftollowing dreadful circumstances. The de' ceased, Who was married, but without any famlrsddi Queen-square, and carried on business with ilian tlt eresie a , and sail maker on ...


... THlE BERMONDSE Y MURDER. ?? 3.].J CNRLCRIMINAL COURT, TRUItSDAY, Oct. 96. VENTRAL THE TRIAS. This being tbe dayappointed fore r the tr teral of tanngadhise 'wife for the murder of Patrink O'Conon'ron, the e reterirnfthed court was densely thronged by crowds ofp pesnadrsne a seneof ree exitemnent and beetle. At an early hour manye bad assembled, in the hope of securing a ?? ro heb a portion of ...


... ~STOL BANIcRUPTCY COUR.-TUrsDAY. 7r. Sergeant Stephen .) 1IST0L Ceos1a)issio),er M1r. Sergeant Stephen.) (B8fore ?? our last and previous rcE CAOLIe' te proceedings in this curious case; and ers Iva g.11 recollect that although at the first hearing 10rsip gave such an apparently straightforward tankrupto elicit the commendation not only of her alnent as the court, yet that at the adjourned ...


... SO1MSElWSHIrSEn. ASSxZmS. CROWN COURT. tioe. BaFORE ME. JUSTICE PATTESON. was:i The commission for holding these assizes was opened IFw Wells, on Tuesday afternoon. The business is exceedingly ofe heavy, there being the names of 88 prisoners in the calendar. const The crimes may thus be classed :-Murder, 1; arson, 3; man- n, slaughter, 4; maliciously cutting, 4; rape, I ; robbery, 6;, an5SW ...


... ? ?roj.ZC?;FZJ??TELLZ ?-EE. CoutvcziL.Housp, BnISTOL, SAt'CJIDA r. I raeg present: Mlessrs. MoBayne and Luuell. t5 adr t NCv3 chsasrged with stealiug a bladebrlie of pork, en,1gtr Of ADiI Morgan. A policeman, in plain clothes, r.P' oter take it trom off the prosecutor's board in the e pr sOtes, begged bard for mercy, and said she - th ' P commit the effence, having three dtidceD at home. The ...


... FOLZC? ZNTELLZG?NCE. CoUN.CIL -/I0 uSE, Baiarloc, SATUgR DASY . Magistrates present: The Mayor, and Mr. Savage. Twco respectablyattired persons, namaed Ellen Perish and Eleanora Pelrish, mother and dlttuhter, woere charged, the daughter E~llenl with having stolen the goods of Mr. .JohnJonles, and the mother wvith receiring thena, knowinlg them to be stolen. Mr. Joises keeps a ilknmercory and ...


... RESUHiPTIOl OF THiE CO7RONIIR's INQUEST. On IMonday morning thleinquiry (commioened onl Wednesday 18ith) into the circumstances attenduing tile death Of' Frederici John White, private in thle 7th royal huesare, Was resunmed at t le George, thle Fourth Inn, Hounslow-heath, before Mr.Wakley, coroner.. The Coroner opened the pro~ceedin~ bnquirirflg if any of the deceased'd relatives were present, ...