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... Commercial RooMst Bristol, Sept*^ ^0 Great Western Railway Company *• foi Ditto HalfShares 59 Ditto One-Fifth Shares 4 Great Western Steamer 90 — 20 BristolSteam Navigation 130 — 120 Bristol and Exeter Railway 70 •— il Birmingham and Gloucester J00 —■ Cheltenham and Gt. Western Union ..I!! 80 20 Taft Vale inn — 65 ...


... rii Oct. 23.— V heai, per iraperal oys. Jd. Barley, 32s. 0d.; Oats, 00s. Od. bnstol, Oct. 26.—U heat (red) per quarter 56s. do. (white), 66s. to 68s. Bailey (grinding), 30s. 16 ipc' 35s-lo a7s- Oats (feed), 18s. to 20s utoe), ^2s. to 25s. Rye, 38s. to 44s. Beans (nt«), ids. Pease (hog), 34s. to 36s.; do. (bullets), 42s tt> Malt, 56s. to 60s. Flour (fine), per sack of 280lbs., & ifri >4s. do. ...


... SMITHFIELD MARKET—JULY 31. Notwithstanding the deficiency of supply, the limited state o' the receipts of conntry-killed meat up to Newgate and Leaden- hall markets, and the fair average attendance of buyers, the beef trade was in a sluggish state, and last Monday's quotations were not supported. In consequence, however, of the number* of really prime Sootts being unusually scanty, 4s. 2d. per ...


... Dff titration. Ship. Mtttr. Tmnmff. Amsterdam..Goede Boer. Ill Stonebonse oc Co. Ditto.Aletta. Wohlgenath 122 ditto Ditto.H. Cornulis.Hendriks.. — ditto Palermo.A^enus.Bowden. 106 ditto Guernsey.Bellona l)avic« 41 ditto Roaen. Azzounais Couadel. 72 ditto Havre.Jules el Fanny..Renoof. SR dillo Altona Magdalena. Boliu 99 ditto Hamborgt).Jt)))anco.Wet ...

------------- HHHDOMADARY

... HHHDOMADARY. lft/ii Sun Sun Moon's Moon Moon. Ri«e«. Sets. A^e. Rises. Stt. HUor Ti imtv.. 5 20 6 16 )9-6 7 37 10 SO >v»,i' av s 21 6 31 20-6 8 2 11 iO .9 5 23 8 32 41-6 e SB l a» S 23 t> 29 l,;ist '6 morn. 4 36 SUNDAY LESSONS. Serv|C.P. '■e**on» 2 ...

[No title]

... MONMOUTHSHIRE AND GLAMORGANSHIRE JNFIHMAKV AND DIIVKNSARV, CARDIFF.-Abstract of House Surgeon's report to the Weekly Board, from fJ3rd to 31st Aug., inclusive IN-DOOR L'ATIENTS. Remained by last report. 9 Died. 0 0 Cured and 5— 5 OUT-DOOR PATIENTS. Remained by last report 119 21 140 11 Died. 0 Cured and 29- 40 Remaining Medical officers for the week :-Physician, Dr. Moore con- sulting surgeon, ...

[No title]

... during*Uiweek .mi*1 Jnd Iron brought do»a th. Tnn-i** '1 homas Powell •• •• •• •• •• nitag § Rosser Thomas and'co 70S t T. Phillips & Son 14 Martin Morrison. JS # Joseph Beaumont ino & W■JCju.n, V. •• •• ,? The Iredegar Coal Co. 1202 1« Rock Coal Co ••••••• Rosser Lewis *3^ 6 Joseph Jones iqq 10- John Jones, Victoria* 281 Latch, Cope & Co. 641 John Russell, and Co. 1672 Lewis i homas and ...


... CORN EXCHANGE, MARK-LANE, MONDAY, MAY 2, 1842.- I he arrivals of English wheat were moderate last WEEK, WD .tre again shortly supplied with fresh samples for this IXKFTTRTOG$ marhei. The trade has been dull to-day, but the fine and ATY parcels realized the prices of this day week, and the MIDDLITW and inferior qualities were generally cleared off at a Is. per qr. Free foreign wheat met a slow ...


... rn™rRrOVIaS^¥ARKET' TUESDAY, Mar^. COFFEE —3,700 bags Padang of ordinary bold quality were offered in auction, and bought in at 32s. per cwt. Good ordinary Ceylon are selling at 66s. to 66s. 6d. per cwt. IbA — ihe public sales, consisting of 31,000 packages commenced to-day. 12,000 passed the chair; of these o^ 4,000 were actually sold, at a dccline from id. to 2d. per lb. BUITER, BACON, ...