Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... icr -On Wednefday a diid Beverley- sdel7ffsn - tht pace, ?? Maria Cosvihp onue Aaug trf Mia ; TKl phaiof, r uied &a[ PRidirg of thj Count) and, L~ya Snat' MII filiHn; b~ii np, to M~~AI Moodiiisght-erof M r -homa Moa ?? i~ea-er O-b former Fit;,' Pre- 'lou, the Rev. R Sreele- or Dn ;caller;to MiJ~,Qazr; -o,: only daoghter of t ofh ¢Re William Cadilas f btt 'umigb gh A c a- of She = eld,:e. ?. ou ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... id .. ..; :..-,MARRIAGES.:. ;- e This morning,at Cotis6ghaai, by rhe AnherDeana, vica r, Mr A, SuN reli fths~ prhn, Elao{yugs eIsgetfQrI former place - -' i r; , f' On Moiday the 24th, in3t.1at -Jols r,Colne sous,etlhj thisn.Accom ii; f tae T zhur'sdiy,'st Hollyam in ' lderns i, b'thfii. Mr to au BshteeM of Wmr.Weerdale, jugin ofEiq;o4rbai n ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LU Fa- MARRIAGES- ,at On Monday last, at the Hoty Trinity- ehureb, Capt. 'n- Win. Harper, of the 80th regiaet t of foot, to Misi to Elizabeth Downs, daughtrr of the late Mr. 3Do',n, of be tbis place, brewer. -- On Thursday last,,at the Holy Trinity Church, Mr. ed Wardell, silversmith, to Miss Adlard, both of this place, Int On Sanday seonight, at the Holy Trinity Churvh, .Mr. di. ]* Granger, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Hlail -t6. this teteiain s~Ae ofstrife- hadl, lovely auialatnra sf life. Ont SodIaty '*eek, LndyCariIlfoe L~se~leazofadaotghit~. e9 On tbe 3rd instaat; at Campsall Park, near Doncattler, bs,' .tbe lady of Sir Joseph Radcliffe, Bert. of ¢- danghslr. ill On tte 2nd of Deceqiber, n'i Rio Janieirh, 'bet Majesty 6. lli E mpress of Breasl, itsi Prince.'' -- -'- *i' M'ARRZAGP : s - & o- ' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I .4 R RRL 4 GS; On Sunday lnst, at Sculcoates, Mr Jobn Wise, bntber, tb Miis frMary Thompson, eldest daduabter of Mr. Thomnas Thompson, of this town, mister in rlner On Tuesday Inst, nt the Hoily, Trinity Chuicb, Capl Roach, of the Packet, ffiiibairgt b trde'r, to Miss Driver. of this place..- .. On Thursday last, at Scarisrt , Mr. John Brooks, per- ferner, of this tonrr, to arny, daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 33frtbs. On Monday, the 29tlh ult., at Hedol, the wife of Captain Thomas Westlake, of Scaebro', of a son. On Sunday, the 28th ult., the lady of Faulknter Boyes, Esq., Prospect-street, of a Sonl. On Friday, the 26th ult., at Betutinglholne, the lady of Robert Harrison, Esq., of a daughter. On Thursday, the 25th ult., at Scarbro', the lady of John Uppleby, Esq., of a daughter. Santc day, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 31ey 31, at Sand Hutton, in this county, the lady of ch James Walker, Esq., of a son. A May 20, at Burton, Mrs. John Hothamn, of a daugh- wo ter. tht May 31, at Sion Hill, Yorkshire, Mrs. Joshua Cromp- 60 ton, of a son. Rl May 30, at Market Rasen, the wife of Capt. J. T. ral English, of a Eon. Ya June 3, at the Marquis of Normanby's, in Dover. hir street, London, the Countess of Mulgrave, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF SIR W. W. FOLLETT, M.P. The struggle has at length terminated, and one of the brightest ornaments to the English bar is no more. Our readers will recollect that the'health of the Attorney General had been for a considerable period in a declining state, and that, for tihe purpose of recruiting it, he proceeded, in com- pany with Lady Follett, to the Continent. There be re- maim ed for ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 13irtbs. January 31, in Prince-street, the wife of Mr. A. Bryce, of a daughter. January 27, at Scalby Lodge, near Scarborough, the lady of E. S. Donner, Esq., of a daughter. January 12, Mrs. Smyth Windham, of a son. .~araiaaes. February 3, at Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev. R. Attbill Mr. W. Wilson, stationer, to Mary Jane, youngest daughter of the late Mr. J. Rogester, master mariner, Whitby ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... dte Nov. 11, at Beverley, Mrs. May, the wife of Mr. R. May, of ry, the firm of May and Loftus, upholsterers, &c., of a son. -Nov. 9, the Marchioness of Exeter, of a daughter. y. ,Nov; 8, at Sowerby, near Thirsk, the lady of W. H. Ritebing. man, Esq., of that place, of a daughter. for Nov. 4, the lady of Captain Vernon, Coldstream Guards, of ed. a son. 'sa AJ1 ages. ?? Nov. 14, at Sclceoates ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... alid out ca- ire Nov. 26, the wife of Geo. Milner, jun., Esq., merchant, of the a son. the Nov. 24, at York, the lady of Dawson Littledale, Esq., of a it- daughter. *es Nov. 22, at Chapelthorp Parsonage. near Wakefield, the lady 3ea, of the Rev. T. Wertmoreland, jun., of a daughter. Nor. 20, at the Vicarage House, Cawthorne, Ihe lady of the - Iev. Arthur M. Parkinson, of a son, flarrfages. Nov ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Birtbs. July 30th, the lady of Mr. W. H. Huffam. Of a daurir July 23, at Bridlington Quay, the wife of Mr. Alfreli *Tsher,_ ofa son. July 22, at York, the lady of George Shann, Esq., M.D., of a son. July 20, at Whitgift-hIall, Goole, the seat of her father, Thomas Coulman, Esq., the lady of Capt, Sir James ClarK Ross, royal navy, of a daughter. July 26, at Routh, the lady of Tlhomas Wilson, ...