... In feveral of the American papers of a I.te date, is given a Copy of the Will of the late Prefident. The two great principles which di- rected his whole life guided him in the dif • pofal of his ample property — the encourage- ment of liberty and the propagation of know- ledge. On the deceafe ot his wile, all the Haves whom he holds in his own right are to receive their freedom ; fuch of them ...

No Performance this Season has done our Theatre more credit than that of Speed the

... ?? P O ?? J I-, ( ?? H - ?? . Score it'-thi 3.) A m W ,,-o It'ssato~j Som pe~4irmpt .D .'nda w H , ?? ,Intel T,5 ! .; o o0 an e e :; a re MOrs e t .d a y E -Ai d mdv -ivoir wl,j fon that, omc!C~d,,,onl, exp~teri lce¢eir! n ih-mre M ted ew rda, .- I > fMAdmlira1 Sir Char1gs Cotn,- DBart; ?? z Let 4jef d 5~ fitl~rfda! ?? ?? *asrizitedr- - eiiC.pt.. Teyo !Wfiit.d&9gofiZ ' o or J' J 4 e. m0 Vr 4 ...

Tuefday's Mail

... FrOM IHE LONDON GAZETTE. Camp of tht Grand Viasir, mear Al Arieh, Jan. 14. THIS nay a convention has been figned here, by Mouftsph . Rafchid Ett.ndi and Mou- lt .pha Refliehi EfTendi, com _mTioners ap* pointed on the part of the Grand Vizir, and by General Defaix and Monfieur l'oflielgur, com- mini oners appointed on the part of Geneial Kieber, by which is has teen agreed, that the French ...

On Paper

... O; Paper. ' By l;e late Dr. FoanAllim. Some wit of old-fuch wits of old there were, Whole hints fiew'd meaning; whOfe allufions care; By one brave frroke, to markall human kind, Call'd clear 8/ank Paper every infant mild When itill as op'ning Senfe.her didtates wrote, Fair virtue Tkut afeal, or vice a blot.. The thought was happy, pertinent, and true; Methinksa genis rmight the plait puriue. 1 ...

Cabinet of Apollo

... cabinet of bottob. TO X LADr, WVIO GAVE THE AUTHOR SOME SUGAR. PL'UMBS, CALLED KISSES. Befxow no more the trifling fweet, Which bears the name of envied blifs Northusattempt our lips to cheat With fuch a falfe infipid kifs. Though it is fweet, and melts away, It leaves no trace of blifs behind; Taofte thrilling tranfports-where are they, Which in a real kifs we find Tne zit-i which fuch a gift ...


... r4SIIIONS FoR APRIL. .MoetaUeo>,Dfssa.-Rouind drefs o~f blueh or other colouteed Mullin, di v-im-rund tihe bofoinlatfieeves'~ -of blu~rft.4jn -vswith full'white ;Muflin l~ee~es under them, confinied -totbe flia of Lthe -arm at -boitQm.- - Scarf df white miiflin. Strawi bnsse urijed up in front, and ornametited wihfoes iigs acrofs a the crown to tie uinddr th hn Ti ind of firaw and Leghorn lo ...


... Abraham Bullivant, of Solihull, Warwicklhire, vie. tuallcr. To appear April 2%, ao, and May 17, at the Public-Office, Birmingham— Attorney, Mr. Spurrier, Birmingham, Edward Co : e, ot Exeter, taylor. To appear April 17, iS, and May 17, at the Globe Tavern, Exeter. —Attorney, Samuel Daike, London. Edward Wi.kcr.bn, fen. of Wcft-Crimftead, Su.T.x, dealer. To appear April 28, 29, and May 1 5, at ...

i_.r_._ty bur.d-iy'o Mailt

... ?? bur.d-iy'o Mailt. LONDON,— ApriI it, i;. - > ATUr. !-AVr.rn ved tne Hamburgh rr.ai! our on V/ud nefday Uft. t. Jy T'txe laft .rucis from V-enna (thofe of ■ ' the ere of March 26) ftate, the eircr of i.«e ! r.prh Government to renounce fome of its ' .onq_.»lt«, on cc..r.iti*T*. ot retaining the terri- t .ry ot. Lite lef' ba .Is of the Rhine, has been re- jected, liner Frar.cr, while ir. ...

Cabinet of Apollo

... Zabifet of Adz. THE MOURNFUL SAfLOR. W rIL z the lull'd wirds in fighing founds expire, .ind -weary Marhiers enjoy repofe, t WIhy cannot I, who equal reft require, Invoke f1weet llcep my languid eyes to clofe? It is beesaurt, frolin cocuparion free, My thouights, Eurl 1IE'sIZ ! now return to thee. f When t6e white ?? into mountains greiv, 1 And forked light nings ihot along the lkies, a Aly ...

ruefday's Mail

... FROM IHE LONDON GAZETTE. ADMIRALTY_.OFFJCE, April 19. Co^y of a Letter from Captain Middleion, to Evaa Nepean, Eiq His M-jefly's Ship Flora, off Cape Finil.erre, March 20. SIR, v HAVE the p'ejfure to inform you, that & alter a chafe of eight hours, I this day, at § a quarter paft twelve at noon, captured a Spanifh Ship Privateer, of fixteen gun. fix ol which fhe hove overboard during the chac- ...


... Sufannah Jsmes, of ?? ?? W-iePrfex, boarding-ichonl miinefi. J o jfp.-*r May 6, 16, tx June 7, a; Goildhail.— At'.o.-ney, Mr. Vv.Mie, Lon- dofi. Charles Tatloclc, of Ca'e..rr_r_-reet, Londin, mer. chant, and ararchoufeman. To appear M.-ry 7, ij, and June 7, at Guildhall. — A.tornics, Well. i*_inc and btevcr.t, London. Th Tins Harrifon, Aniiut Kidder, ar.d John Kidr.er, r,f Croydon, burr.y, ...