Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RITH. On Tueafay, in Hailey-Rreet, the Right Hon. Ladv. Charlotte Lenox, the Lady of Grtscral Ltflox, ,and daughter to the Duke of Goirdon, of a daughter, heing tbe twelfth chiid in, the thirteenth yearvf her marli.&ge. MARRIAGES. On Sunday fe'noight. at Hliackley, Mr. William Turner, bookfelier, of Hill (lately of Nottingham), to Mifs Sophia Hamilton, danghter of Mr. Ilamil- .to, n-annager ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -wmn- HER MAJfESTr's BIRTH Ddr. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 18oO0 rlflHEIR Majeffies and the Princeffes came to St. AL James 's Palace at half paft twelve, where the Qteen, and her Royal daughters, dreffed for their appearance among the numerous company who attended. The Ode for the new year was performed in the Anti-Room adjoining the grand council-chan- b er. The Archbifhop of Canterbury delivered ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... at MARRIAGES. [Dt On Tuefday lafl, at the Holy Trinity Church this town, by tihe Rev. James Stillingfleet, Aviton Terry, Efq. merchant., to mhiis Charlotte Jarratt, 0 daughter of the Mte John Jarrartt Efq. of thii place. On Thurlilav fe'nilight, Mr Taylor, of IHolrby, to W Mifs Webiler, of York. rg On Monday laft, at Gainfborough, Capt. irm. A- Andei'ton, ttr Mifs Latighton of the fanm e place ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... jgIart?Iagt0. ?titt?p. iutb IDeattj05 SAtE? C?3? Marriages, births, and deaths, netisroperly assthsilticated. Moesi cannot be Inserted in this paper, and far this resoonuxumbera Tuu abs auntie one ofiltedil not appear. - 11 OnPrMa;thelatlatDIVidsObUrOb.Mr.ROW?snd street, Liverpool. OnSoaday, the 3d instant, at the Pariah Church. Deane. Mr. Henry Band, land surveyor, toMioaS5rahT5ytor. both of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1C~ Mtrriages, births, and deaths net roperly authsui te, cannot be imaeted in this paper, an o~r this reason uibe5 41 tsent to our office do Rot appear. 10 21st ult., at' St, Philip'e Alhurch,.. ton. SaudaIthbyRID.. Alfred A Stdebdtoy, aotnboer onet ?? othe of Edamotrdesi,,dO of MseySarah works.o youlngt test daighta DaiOf g5~dsih 0 fthereleonye Ahomas meavies.Eq.of Lamrk-anetoil hloeven.ant ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e. Jenkins, of Algbaz~ ~ ?? 1ih. Wank tI Mi Mduday the sllitli Bit., St.8 Jesratn. hs R- ate Mr. George Azisep. of Helywoll. ' ,g. 9at dy. tE ?? oburch , Mr ssa.ouhtits ul &me doy at 1Iih N lholgi'. Cbhimill Mr. Jol*1h Williams; biat ,d JlfuO ?? IDUl lam ?? helarisk Church. Barry, Xr. Richardillanlliffe jft la heledetr of tb. late Mr;'rlhablod ?? Rotkwell. o lb Du fite.lnnlllokbrpeto Aum, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I MARRIED. On Sunday, the 19th instant, at St. Peter's Church, by license, Mr. Charles Win. Ward, chief officer of the ship Araminntor, or this port, to Julia, daughter of Mr. Wim. Kelly, late of Douglas, - is of Man. DIED. Jan. 2d, saed 4 years and 3 months. Edward Augustus, gecond o so of IMr. Edward Agostus Bird, of this town. n to LIVERPOOL ART UN ION.-We are happy to learn that this Asso- ...


... The Rev. H. M'Ne«le has been exerting himself in a most meritorious mariner to mitigate, so far he can the sufferings of hi? destitute and dying countrymen in Iteland. wn ITtenOS obtained subscriptions to the amount of £800 for this «ud-iike purpose, and he has now addressed a heartstirring letter to the inhabitants Liverpool, calling upon them to meet together and appoint committee, or, at ...

Sporting Intelligence

... [fROM OUR rORRRSPONDKNT-l Manchester, Monday, One o'clock. Notwithstanding the heavy shots Ural on Friday ant Orimnton, coupled Blackbird for the Plate of Wednesday, both have kept their places—the home gaining friends, and supported, notwith. ) standing the rumour of his having done work sufficient to win such race one half the price quoted from Newcastle. In ■ excellent quarters he has been ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On the 15th ult. at Brighton, the lady of Joseph Smyth Windliam, Esq. of Wawne, in Holderness, Yorkshire, of a son. MARRIAGES. On Monday last, at Hornsea, Mr. John E. Hopper, of the Star Inn, Bridlington, to Miss E. Pool, of the former place. Yesterday week, at Flambro'. Mr. T. Woodhouse, to Miss Castle, both of that place. On Tuesday last, at Snaith, Mr. J. Brown, of London, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lie be. IL 1'1'I1. to Onl thle I 1th, iltt. :t lcl roi'ilofy. G;l, Burton, near Gala,- bro', tie lady of tle llev. ?? ailer, of a soI. _ 51.\1 1MARRIAGES. ; [T2cr arc /'li qo-oty liji-d ilto) wor ltr 1,,r, I ,titetlllsn: i Iy the 0tbttjtrtjitn,,oii igi-,of 1 pivi/i, ,, i , l r, br ?? lurndbrt.W ''lwshinoez.lll M /i, mJ s;in w, ll/ 1b/l. Ili fli':' liew 01's t ?? l1f:i ?? I/i ;;,r a- 7c ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Wednesday, 23rd inst., at the Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev. J. H. Bromby, Mr. William Brown, of the firm of Kirk, Bolton, and Brown, Silver-street, to Ann, third daughter of the late Mr. Kirk, Summergangs. Yesterday, at Cottingham, by the Rev. R. Barker, Mr. John Wintringham, ironmonger, Grimsby. to Phoebe, youngest daughter of i.Ir. W. Lambert, of the former place. On 23rd ...