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... LONDON, Saturday, Ocf.'l. , * The London Gazette of this evening was not shed when the mails left town.- The delay (s atto the intended issuing of a Proclamation, suit the late Cabinet ...

SALE OF PREMISES NEAR OLDBLRI POSTPONED. THE Sale of the Beer-house; occupied by ostei. and the adjoining front ..

... . ()f July u,kc ' a - \ T the back of the same; also four Dwelling Houses taTrinity-strect andadjoiaing the above. Apply at the Printers. sTOCKMAKERS AND OTHERS. v from Sixty SPANISH CHESNUT O TREES penor quality. Length trom fitly to , frnm fourteen to twenty inches square. '^rMpScularsapply toC. H.Matthews, Carles street, Wolwhampton. private Contract, a Team of five ™«rful, well-bred, ...


... ASSIZES. URT— Before Mr. Justice Bosanquet, owN MONDAY, Arrit I BosanqueT opened the criminal business of The i his Court, to-day, at 12 o'clock. mw business being disposed of, the following preli on owere SWOrn as the sty ee gentle JURY. in G RAY SxiewiTs, Bart. M.P., Foreman, Iinot, Bt, M.P. Edward Sheldon, Esq. ley wil William Staunton, Esq. William Judd Narding, Esq. q Henry C. Wise, Esq, ...

LONDON, Saturday, Sept. 22

... LONDON, SATURDAY, Sepe, 22 Paris papers of Thursday are barren of news. Thepet ition of the National Guard forthe enjoyment 3 fie elec tive franchise is much commented upon. The Ti contains a report of the resignation of : Valle, Governor-General of the French pos- “ons in the North of Africa—Several journals 4 en of the serious illness of Cardinal Fesch ; ad letter from that prelate announces ...


... Negociatioxs with Turkey —The refusal the Porte to acquiesce in the proposal England, France, Russia to terminate the war Greece by a compromise, placed beyond all question. ...


... LONDON, Friday, April 7. c ? ntents of the French papers to the date of J. uesday are very unimportant. It is said that Don n a ? t of is. to be deprived of the br ke ta * th Mowing' ...

LONDON, Saturday, April 6

... 'PHE Paris papers of Thursday have reached town. The new tariff bill is generally approved. The M°nUenr publishes an order of the day addressed by the Minister of War to th ...


... LONDON, Saturday, March 3. Etote French paper came to hand this morning. Advices from Constantinople to the 26th of January I . tna t arrests in that city continued without abatejnent ...

LONDON, Friday, October 23

... n . ns afternoon contains the Quarterly n' Liabilities and Assets of the OrtobCT inelu ° 281,1 of Jul/ the of Liabilities. Assets J».ix« Securities £28,061,000 -*4,i57,1ul ...