... LITERARY IOTJCES. ot Ifreoirs of the Ltf, of Sir WaQer Scott. Vol 1. Robert OX Cadell, Edinburgh; Murray, Whitalkor, and Co.. London, 0, 2837.-The first volumne of the life of the great novelist by 10 his son-in-law, Mr. Lockhart, to whom Sir Walter especially iC deputed the task of writing his memoirs in his last will Or and testament, proves that it could not have been left in t- better ...


... . *tc, T4 0 We select the following from ?? little ?? Of poems, by WiUlam Stan aoBcoe, just pubish :- 1 LINES p WRIITrltN IN0 tASINO THROiur VALE CRUCIS,.. INOC., OCT .. Vale of the Cross, the shepherds tell 'Tis sweet within thy vroodS to diwell! For there are sin ted shadows seen I That frequent hauut thy deevy green; n In wandering weindas the dirge is sung, 'The convent bell by spirits ...


... Ortgwal. THE GRAVE SONG. BY THOMAS CAMBRIA JONNS. Tbe bell's tolling slowly, And call home the dead, Where bodies sleep lowly Within the earth.bed. The heart that was shaken Lies painless and still; The spirit hath taken Her journey from il?. As the flower that is faded, And to the earth flung, Lies the dust death hath shaded When its last bell bath rung. Vainly the living Are for the dead ...


... THEATRA ROYPAL *. I lrlvrss41O'orrespondent.) The ena~agentent 6f 31r. Blitchilllt'@ Italian, opera Co Butya Collbpffy has proved hgighly attractive, iii we re- g ret that to~night their' 13bours come to a close. Durln~ hitl tho brief week ofI' their perfoirmlance, they have appeareca h' in It fwr than fouir popular operas, .wbieh have been 1131 as effet~iveC as operas produced under Such ...


... I THE REFORM BILL.-BIRMINGHAM REFORMERS | UAGAZINE I The second number of the Birmingham Political Union Monthly Register, or Rlefoimer: Magazine, has been received,. and may be bad at our office, price 6d. A few copies of the preceding one have also been forwarded to us, and those who wish to preserve an unbroken series of this spirited publication would do well to procure; S them without ...


... r - A; a: e .. s: SPECIMEN OF SHELLY. There is much originality and tenderness in the follow- ' ing little song, by Shelley. It is well adapted to put the ?? of some of our mielodis sto the test. Such words, set to appropriate music, would be a gem. GOOD NIGHT. Good night ?-Ah, no; the hour is ill Which severs those it should unite; Let us remain together still, Then it will be good night. How ...


... TO A LADY. And could'st thou think that I was changed, My fondly loved one? Could'st thou e'er Suppose from t/hee my fancy ranged To dream of one not half SD fair ? What though I join the joyous groups, The gay ;nd lre ely of the ball, Think you my passion e'er could stoop From one tar lovelier than them all ? No;-I have gazed where beauty shone, And strived to lose my passion's glow; Oft ...


... LITERARY NOTICE&. ---e Th. -nid Sno-e f* - W,.Ak-nt, NUI4;Aua I Locomotive Engines.-The rapid increase of railways In almost Li, every part of the kingdom, renders it peculiarly advantageous to Lr engineers to possess a theroaugh knowledge of the locomotive en- J gine. In order to obtain this the mechanic would naturally re Li 'or to some work ountke subject; but as the application of steam to ...


... Ball dresses are much ornamented with flowers, When the Cornage is crossed, a rose or other flower ia placed on the joining. nwude are placed below, and at the bottom of the sleeves. Ball drosses bear generally a single flounce, with a bouillon attached. V One of the most elegant dresses we have seen Is a white satin t slip, trimmed with a bouillon of the same, covered with a short T crepe ...


... Atleettand. HL * giving he THE FUTURE THE SOURCE OF ;he ENJOYMENT. A la of Al a3n BY THE 112V. BE. HENRY EDiWIRDS. from C] iC sevent ta .7s not the joys we have to-day he That make our hearts or sad or gay day, to ey Our brightest hopes and keenest sorrow, do you Moa Are from our dreamings of the morrow;. tho ere deH. , If these present' av picture bright, ficent! Is- Then all within is joy ...


... Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country, for July. l Loudon: John W. Parker. a The best articles in Fraser for the present month nre a the description of a fire in the back woods, a chap. c ter on balloons, which contains much curious informa- tion on the variousattempte made at human flying,and the I progress of secostation,-an animated description of the n beauties of North Devon, a ...


... The Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review. London : Luxford. We rarely find that an amalgamated publication retains those distinctive features that marked both of its elementary components; or, on the other hand, that subsequently acquires a character widely differing from either. Such literary combinations form striking exceptions to the laws which all things phybical are governed. In ...