... LITERARY AND PHl ILOSOPHICAL.;SOCIETY. Teim second meeting, this season, of the above society, was held on Friday evening. Dr. Alderson, the President, having taken the chair, and the routine business of the meetinghaving c been disposed of, Mr.. Fielding proceeded to read a paper . communicated by Lieut. T. L. Lewis, R. E., Iwhich contained an 'interesting account of a people denominated the ...


... . THE KlING OF THBOCCHOCHS * _ S (Prom the Morning H'erald.) ANtwgonto AIO Ob LI)'u 'g ' Of~all the tradep fit Irelan d, a Beggar,,. is Itbe best!I The tenth of this Elish song, I long gcofest; And at behggin did io, did go-, cldit gole Addid begging I'did Go. g6 And 'faith at begging Y Wn. rich-asrih as any Jew.- Of that ancient King of beggars stout, oki Barufylde Moore Carew- And abegging I ...


... Ltterature. ON THE DEATH OF MY ONLY SON. J Ans more thy burled love entuers 'Tinus aught except its living year .-Uoon}. Farewell I a long farewell to thee- That is thy latest sigh - And now thy spirit parts from me, And wings its way on high. Thy little sisters sadly weep, And call on thee in vain To wake from out that dreamless sleep, To smile on them again, Thy little troubles now are o'er ...


... I Rittrature, I I Tun ' ThuncH oF ENGLAND A NEw CHUncir. fl -it is a part or the policy or the would-be levellers rof the Established Church to speak of it as co-existent only with the Reformation. The hollow assertion is -well met in the first number of a new metropolitan newspaper, entitled the ChuTrEh of Fngland (nazetle, which promises to be a valuable auxiliary in fighting the good cause. ...

Packet of fashionable Life

... Ivitdt of fgasbtonable 'Rife. A Co rcspouident of the Gazette s.;ys, that a manriage is di finitely resolved on between the Grand Duchess OIga of Rlussia and an Austrian Archduke, but rumtur fluctuates between a son of the Archduke Charles and. a son of the Arhrclhke l'alatinc. DuBLIN, MAY 25.-ALtntosiE OF TilE LoRD-LiruTE- NANT.-T'he beLutilifl Dowager Lady Somerville is the lidy ...


... PROCFEDINGS Ar COVENT-GARDEN THEATRE. JIEDIDr ESDA r. 7 :ICEHARi tfh THIRD, and The Poor Soldier, were p 45 ' the pea Isranances offered this evenilag to the g E'ublic. T[he 1-lanse was crousded at all early htour, 8 and the npponents (if the new prices and arrangements exprewseal tbeir disapprobatima more strongly than oitl n tae plaecetling nights. A nsdw instratment of Itoise was It ...


... wer - t w.wt . .: iier o. FranceYX , , -As we are at War wvith thie Power, it were well if *e were at war.'wit& tlld^.Mamviers of France~YtkiNr.'> -LEGt IES OF FASHION - ..t0R lVOrMBSR e- 4THF 'chillinig blasts of winter are now hastening g to siipercede 'the mnild freshiess6 of the aufumnal ,ss .evenings, and'the Steyae, thePars-el, and the hoarse- an, respnunding beach;,;vill soon be ...


... portrp.: . TO WOMAN. FROM TE GREEKti. Oh thou ! by Heaven ordain'd to be Arbitresa-of man's destiny From thy sweet lip one tender sigh,- One glance from thine approving eye,- Can rise or bend him at thy will, To virtue's noblest flights, or. worst extremes of ill Be angel-minded ! and d8espise T'h, 8ex'q little vanities; And let not passion's lawless tide *Thy better purpose sweep aside; For ...


... -.. ..; .,, ! ;w r /, $1, I r *;; $ S it4 i. t r t?!..;i' : ,! fTo G2;Er~,~ ~~i B ytletlai Wjilli ~P~egidred, rlP MlanfChiesrte son of 'A the Rev. MU% . Pendet ed,' Sf b11 y 6;,it * * to tel I iiihivt6t to coniiitiv c 1iki t9i!t toiieeiriy Sx VThs rpses die bei7eath e * B~recite otDter giZi~h gy air','xi.W ., -,* ,sjttFh .vk9S !llfr1awn ug iaN ; u BeemaZ im thle l~rdsel s e..'t i ~ MI ...


... LE VI4UOA COe199T. oThe, Vocal: Concert at. ~the. Chorypl Society's Roorns, Mytongata, on * Thuyeday last, afforded to the amateurs Who atteonded, as olelicisus a treat aealdbavo 'boon anticipated by the mast ardeut itcimirers of musical. It science; Irled mijon we, considered thle eminence atdtained, and 'so is. long enjoyed, by Mr. Killct and Mr. Vaughan, is tile pn~cullar province of giee ...


... . . . On Tuesday last, the play of Willifan Tell was per- formed at our Theatre, for the benefit of Mr. Calrert. Although this picce was titled in the bills of the day, a tragedy, aml, in all ilotorlined apology for the oenls siol of part of the fif'th act, nva's desigsatod nto n lwoble production, we confess wve campot brilg ourselves to dsiewitin nT other light tsall that of a ...


... NELi.)Q. A-D COLI, NG OOD:| 'ByshibRev. W JTEDAT hBUTLEBR, M. A. *t Ekng ?? thavotreiy .Mtarn itill dO his Diy.. S L ?? TRAS L TE (ttL'GiRA. RU'lMO\ t! Ysn lieard.Tr-afalgar's story; in your couitry's glory Mourn o'er the relics, pale and gory, Of bravc, itnmiovtal.NyLsox, Tui garrh and svar our Hero's dead; To hea;v'n and peace his spirit sped - T'wifie Your green isaurels ?? ...