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Advertisements & Notices

... CEORGE KNIGHT, CONFECTIONER AND GROCER, I lTH best thanks for the liberal share of public 9 tavour he has received for so ninny years, begs leave to intimate, that as the Christmas testivities are at hand, he has prepared a full assortment of CHRISTMAS L7 U.S. 1 ALSO, SEED CAKES, PLUM CAKES, POUND CAKES, a D[ET LOAVES, SAVOl[ CAKES, P/1ut and Onameoetc. a Mince Pics, Veal and other Pics, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .1) E ,1 1' N E S 8. Ma. lODEN, (AURiST lFlROM GLASGOW',) X,23 ISsECTFULLY apprises the Nobility, Gentry, Is: 3l 1' and Inhabitants of Aberdeen, that in consequence of the many pressing invitations to visit the above city, Cu atd trou. many persons of the first respectability, he has NV acceded to their wishes; and may be consulted on all the I' (liscases ofthe ear, at Mrs JM-:,-qs AltlrAN'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tis DoY is Published, price 4s. bound, HAMILTON'S ARITHMETIC, ENLARGED AND IMPROVED; Containing Tables of the Imperial Weights & Measures, Established by Act of Parliament, Ju1et, 1824. the Mensuration of Surfaces and Solids: an Introduction cut to Algebra; Compound Interest and Annuities; a short I system of Book-keeping. Ch WITH A SUPPLEMENT, Cot Containing the Answers to the Questions. At ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEA ANDD VY1E TRADE. (ORNWA LL & SM ITH, (with reference to 1 their former advertiserrent,) beg to intimate to their friends and the public the arrival of their TEAS purchased at the last East India Co.'s sale: regarding which generally they have to say, that they are rot higher in price than the Teas at .Marchi sale, but are considerably superior in qualitY. They have further to state, that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. SINCLAIR & SIAIPSON, I1, BROADSTRRErT, 3 EG to intimate the arrival of their WINTER tic At)STOCK, all purchlased inl LoNDioN-, LEE-Ds, he P1S)LNC5IESTEU, aind GLA\SGOW, by Air Sinino With ti Cash only. S. & S. have this daiy commeineltI an 11extra. In ,rtijinary Cheacp Sale, which will continue till farther WI niotc,-tlrotc wishing to avail themnselves of good bar- as ~atas, will do ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REMOVE, AND SHOP T10 LET. r 0' OlIN LUMSDEN & Co., No. 15, Marisclal sStreet, intend to REatovE, in a few monthls, to No. 4:Ji ( ,stle Street, presently occupied by Messrs. George r - d MWilliam Pirie, where they will carry on the 6R11. Y FOREIGN SPIRIT, and WINE Trades, as i'r tn'rly. ,T. L. & Co. are desirous to Let their present SHOP, with or without tile FURNITURE. They request an curly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DI .RF BOYLE, 1 hOrFESSOII oft h/e SCIE'NCE v SrINrGIrG, And td THEIIO R Y of MUSIC, 'T OST respectfully begs to ecquaint the Ladies ji'L , and Gentlemen of Aberdeen and its vicinity, that 1i h '5 WIs taken a House, No. 25, MIA10SCIIAL STRtEX I, 491 .br she purpose of receiving Pupils, either in Classes or an( 'or ?? Instriettions. C :u r B. is a Pupil of the following Masters, celebrated for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOREIGN WINES. rV TiE Srulscamlrns beg to intimate, that, in addi. ji tion to their present Stock, they have received, on (>I;if igoment, a quantity of FRENcHi and other 1oittEeCi; :; B3 L! i iNES, which they are authorised to dispose of on the ..vcsit liberal terms, viz. CLARET. DO. Older in Bottle. HiOCK, very superior JO13ANXNISIDEUG. DO. Pints, do do. RED HOCK. & RED CHAMPAIGN. DO. Pints. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... w ,ft, ?? EIWND ESD)AY, Jul1 4. 6 ery . hie IIlTH. it BkIWSt, OIl theI Wl I Xi! ILt ,fie thcLadY Of * kinir Ml CliAY, Of' a luaghtCr, *n In ricl1) oni tie 2'th Jiune, by the llev. the Arch- u;. teanof York, the Rev. ; ?? Atoius'i'us ?? r i I I)MII lt, Ifucttr of Bisllplstotll, \ ilts, to ( tAA, Be X toird dighter of l)r ergue ?? am, late Pn DJal ofI tarrid at 11ontrose, on tile 2.i5t ualtno by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WVEDNESDAY, July 11. Il I II ?? Bc'iielvir', onl the 8th Jufly, the Lady of it, 0i. ,JoiirN~ T U 1.EO0II, Lsq. It. S. of' IL Sol). OX TI Iti . M\ii'ried, at Eclht House, onl ?? d inst. by the flee. ine Wililiami Ingram, CLIrear £ srlu so vs Esq~adro'0 1,1ir Ieetc, ri A ircrdccn, II. A : thinrd datightrte of JaME rts ticie, Fotnims, Lsq. of' REirt. [ns Pdlarried', ?? .'Thrrrsday last. by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABEnRDEEN ,MEETINTG OF ?? Oidinarytltttet5i to be ~ hlcd in the Society's II Lii, on '77l, hi ?? hi/i Of titeratkins oin the ?? C~t~blislied~ bv 1112, ~TrLIsi D)erd is may be deeined necessary for thle L'stwe' ?? ,iX ofbrn the Society.brn 211,er deco, Jvitq 13d, Il'27. inerly ABEIRDEEN GAS LIGIB[T COMffPAW- - ?? .- t~i~lst!t ~General Weeting of' the Partoere vvill be held cul A at the Gas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-E ABERDEEN ACADEMY. 7 NIHE CLASSES Dt tbis Seminnay wvill be Opened -1 on T'fURSDAY, August 2d, at tile usual hours. a Nctheikirkgate, Jily 24, 187* b EDUCATION. R. JAFFRAY respectfully announces that llis -1tt DAY SCHOOL, and Pri te Classes for GEO. t;RAPIIY, wvithl thc Projection ntl Delinceation of tlaps, and the use of the Oebes, EL jOCUTION, &c. will be re.openied on Monday the 30th ...