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Advertisements & Notices

... dis-. tance of 11 miles 1566 yards, and requiring 19 arches, and .5 others to be rebuilt, being the 4th, 51h, 6th, and 7th divisions of the road. Lot Sd, From-the said bridge to Kyle Rhea, being 1I miles 840 yards, and requiring s0 arches, besides rebuilding ...

Advertisements & Notices

... distance of I1I -nides 1566 yardis, and requiring 359 tarchs, auld 5 ?? to bere- Pt tuilt, being thc 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th divisions of the road. N LIot3d, From the said Bridge to Kyle Rhet, being 11 miles '640 yards, and requiring 30 Arches, besides ...

Advertisements & Notices

... distance of II Titiles 15t;6 yards, and requiring 39 arches, and 5 others to be re- built, beingtile 4th, 5th, tith, aud'7th divisions of the roadL. Lot 3d, From the sail Bridge to Kyle icihea, being I 1 rnilest 8.10 vartrs. and requiring ao) Arches, besides ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dis- tance of II rniles 1566 yards, and requiring S9 archcs, and 6 others to be rebuilt, being, the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th divisions of the road.' * tot Sd, Frdm the 3aid bridge to-tyle Rhea, being I miles .40 yards,.and requiring .20 arches, besides ...

Advertisements & Notices

... distance of 11 miles l:$56 y'tids, ancl roequirig ;i itiches, and Li othersto bere- I built, being the 'th. dit, f/th, alntd 7th. divisions of trie road. Lot 3d, From the said lIridg' to Kyle Rhies, being 11 mil]e; 80 yards, and requirin, 30 Arctihe, besides ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tance'of I I miles 13561 yards, and'requiring 39 arches, anid five others to be rebuilt, being the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th divisions of the road. Lot 3d, From the said bridge to Kyle Rhea, being II miles 840 yards, and requiring 30 arches, besides re- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the ?? s'o .Ie-trrinileatioi of thio Road opposite to thle ndrih end of Blrrar Bridge, being the 4th, Sitt, 6th, arid 7th divisions of tie Road, teissariug 23n ils 1,01 yards, and re~uiring 23 B ialks ot different siz~s, besidts one. Briige of three arches ...

Advertisements & Notices

... summit of the Crask to the ternminatlon of the Road opposite to the north end of Bonar Bridge, being the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th divisions of the Road, measturint2 3miles 1701 yards, and'requiring 23 Bridges of different sizes, besides one Bridge df three archei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thirouglhout the Peninguiar mar Sir William. then a l'dajrrr-General, ably distinguished himself whenihe commanderi thie 7th division, at Fuentes ?? on thebth ol May, ann at Badajor. For his services in Egypt he received a medal, and the same honorary ...