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1800 - 1849
10 1810-1819



Kendal, Westmorland, England

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dined on three fates of the square, by the French ca.: valry ; but they halted and repulsed the attack

... on the evening of the 25th, and ordered Major-General Crawford to retire with the light division across the Agueda ; the 7th division to form at Albergaria, and Lieutenant-General Graham to collect the troops under his command at Nave D'Aver, keeping only ...

n. , f .H. of 3 ^IV'

... cologne. The Dear of Eiellunn departed and all the Divisima coutioved Its march *slider its sitcieos colours. In Ow Sri and 7th Division, is spite if i f fort• of the Prefect Vaublanc, and of some Gene. Ws. the people, he officers, and the soldiers all T esoni ...

peariag in great force in the North of Portugal. I have been u_p the whole night, forwarding supplies to the

... to the different divisions of the army, and removing the sick. The following is the alteration that has taken place:—The 7th division at Castello Branco ; the Ist division at Villa Velha ; the 4th at Nisa ; the at Castello Bianco ; the 3d at S4n Miguel ...

THANKS OF THE METHODISTS TO EARL STANHOPE. At a Maetiag of the General Committer of the Societies headed by the

... Samogitia. use of the handsomest and most ,fertile provinces in Poland; the General of Brigade, Baron Card. with a part of the 7th division, to march upon Posiewits ; the Prussian Gen. Kleist had beat wet upon C.hawie and the Prussian Brigadier De Jeannerel. ...


... , consisting of a part of his own division of the Army of Portugal, and a Division of the army of the centre ; and the 7th division was in reserve at Alamedilla. The enemy first appeared in the plain near Ciudad Rodrigo, and retired again in a short time; ...


... division, Estrenios. General Dunlop, sth division, Portalegre. Generil CamOW, 6th division, Alpedrinha. General Houston,. 7th division, Nita. General Crauford,light i division, Castello de Vide and Montalvao. CAVALRY. COMMANDED IT SIR STAPLETON COTTON. General ...

W 111,STMORLA Kendal Ckroniele

... -General Sit Thomas Pietas, was near the destroyed bridge of berms, and Field. Marshal Sir W. Binesford. with the lth and 7th divisions, under Lieutenant-General Sir Lowry Cole, and Major-General Walker, and Cnlonel Vivian's brigade, towards the junction ...


... praises are given, joined to the troops by the Marshal Duke of Tarento, 'fanner position before Riga- The tof the line of the 7th division was enga and fought with distinguished bravery. AM' General Hull pasted through Albany on the Bth of September, as i• was ...

A 111 NALATIOI6 if Oil I. TWENTY AECOND ODE, Is ilineft ID • lib a .«I of godly 11116111111, hie

... river Baru, at as early an hour as I had espected, and it was late before I knew that the column composed of the Sd and 7th divisions, under the cumosand of the Earl of Dalhousie, had arrived at the statism appoiuted for them. The fourth and light divisions ...

WNRON M.ill,s

... number of Portugoese troops. General cc. and that it is on this accoutit that the di.- .. Graham, with the Ist, 6tio and 7th divisions, taken away. front. Gemmel Ilill is at Merida. The num. patencsvoive bee n away. b ee o f gent Iowa & to t h e fromthe ...