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Warwickshire, England


Warwick, Warwickshire, England

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Domestic Intelligence

... time above stated.— Edenlon (American) Gazette. A fine child, two jean old, belonging Mr«. Majo, No. 10, Parker-alreet, Drury.lane, an only child, was deprived of one ofiti eyes by some mischievous hoys. one of whom threw handful of lime in his face, ...

At the late Essex Assizes a parish clerk was called to prove a rate, who could not read. Female Dandyism.—A

... and lights a candle, at any desired time. Liston, according to report, is to receive a week during the ensuing season at Drury-lane Theatre, Miss hens is to have 25/. every night that she performs. Step r eat numbers of persons are daily viewing the large ...

LONDON, 20—23. Foragn Intelligence. ‘Tar intelligence by the Countess of Chichester packet, from the Brazils, ..

... suits have been brought, in which Mr. Elliston was defendant, to recover money paid by persons who, when his Majesty visited Drury Lane Theatre, could not obtain seats nor even standing reom. The Jury found for the plaintiffs, on the evidence that some had ...

London Poets, continued from the \st Page

... the Officer, stated, that he had been by the jrie—we again beg pardon—by the defendant, ow the reening in question, at Drury lane Theawse, There was ‘a row,” he snid, between two Gentlemen, who were taking liberties witb each noses in one of the boxes ...


... week. The small-pox prevails considerably at Cambridge, and several children have died. One of the best private boxes in Drury Lane splendid New Theatre, is announced for public competition the approaching week. The original price, during Mr. Whitbread’s ...


... men { rous and t n for the last 14 y ears, at the en on the turnpike r oad, observing t young be | treme jeal removes to Drury-lane, with @ salary of £ per shooting sparrows, made of his pe' rson to caped the opi- annum for three years. shot at for a sur ...

L NDON POSTS, Continued from the let Page readers will recollect, that Mr. Sinith, the cmiuent musical composer ..

... unconscious of what is passing her. I learnt that Mr. Filiston, with his accus- tomed liberality, had granted the use of Drury-lane Thea- tre, for Thi at, July Ist, and that all the principal per- formers had jn the huudsomest manner tendered their ser- ...

SCO.Hi, #fc. pc/ Cul

... Wednesday the missed, on the spot, and he Py art. She died into hands of jus tice. Several the wife of Mr. Prestridge, No- 114, Drury-lane, put & as.will be asself at once amined, and artrou: them the se- riod to her ex istence. under the most that:the T itnesses ...

VARIETIES, Literary, Scientific; and Miscellaneous. Tur wits Gas.—M. Arago, of the Academy of Sciences, Paris, ..

... miles ae to-be ton the above occasion. f Madame Catalani, it is said, receives 700/. for her six nights’ performance at Drury-lane Theatre, which, asshe | i sings three songs per uight, is al song.— Paper. t the rate of nearly 40/. per Waren-Stout water-spont ...


... 1824. The Public is most respectfully informed, that that celebrated Actor, MR. A. JOUNSTON, (Of the Theatres Roy: at, Drury Lane and Covent Garden), is engaged for Three N ights Only, ant will have the hosoF of perfor yrmi ig THIS EVENING, the Charact: ...

im. FA (Fhe following is'a connected and detailed account of the pro- ceedings which have taken place in the case

... creditors to prove debts, and some of them to a very amount. Tue Drama.—In consequence of various: improve- ments cunnccted with Drury-lane Theatre, it is not expected to open until the first week in Octover.—Mr. Elliston has engaged Kean for 28 nights, at the ...

Tae Maje ty is not expected to leave ine days. ‘We regret to add that his Majesty is suffering ‘under

... order to remove any doubts which might still exist respecting Mr. Robinson’s Mr: Kean has now on'y a limited enzagemeat at Drury-lane Theatre. He is to play tweuty nights, and: he is-to have 1,000/. for them ; and he is to play three other nights to discharge ...