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... any creditor. In answer to interrogatories by the court, the insolvent stated that his connection with the propuietary of Drury- lane had led to his first bankruptcy, and this connection with the Strand Theatre had caused the other. It further appeared that ...

MURDER OF DALEY THE POLICEMAN.—Previous to the above trial, the prisoner, Thomas Cooper, was placed

... which she made him par. take. The boy then went into his mother's room, both the parties being resident in the same house in Drury lane. Shortly afterwards the prisoner sent the boy for some more drink, and when he brought it to her room she locked the door ...


... d that had, never before been brought before a t. court of qnarter ?? 13ardett Coutts was the sole occupier of a box at Drury Lane h Theatre, and as such bad been rated by the anutho- 1 rities of St. Martin's .In the. same proportion with 0 other owners ...


... BanNiE for the purpose of obtaining advice under these circumstances: -Madame Vestris, they said, had on Tuesday appeared at Drury Lane as Captainl Macheasl, on whieh- occasion a party, hired by a vocal performer, who had lately made his first appearance on ...


... because he bad been _pointed out to him some time ago in the Saloon of Drury-lane Theatre. Mr. COWLEY: You, a clergyman of the Church of England, and frequent the Saloon of Drury lane Theatre, and become acquainted with the pugilist, Belasco? Witaess: I ...


... of the Isagistrates i)f this Office to interfere whenever I saw a nuisance. It was with that intent that I preceeded to Drury- lane Theatre. The complainants mtake an ostensible charge of assault against me, but their object is td ascertain my right, Sir ...


... COURT-TUESDAY. HATTON V. MACREADY.-John Liptrop Hatton, chorus- master, was the plaintiff, and Mr Macready, the late lessee of Drury Lane, the defendant. The action was brought to recover the sum of 191. 8s. 6d., arrears of salary due to the plaintiff in his ...


... Wilde, Mi Thesiger, and Mr G. W. Cooke, appeared as counsel for the ?? plaintiff is the eminent tragedian and the lessee of Drury Lane Theatre, and the defendants are the proprietors of the newspaper called the Weekly Dispatch, in which, under the date of ...


... Nettleton with interfering with his duty,,and assault- ing him in the execution of it. Nettleton stated, that he was engaged at Drury Lane on the night pre- vious, and, after the performances, was at the box-door in Brydges street, making way for a gentleman's ...


... yester- day of the proceedings at Bow-street, arising out of the refusal to repay money received the preceding evening at Drury Lane Theatre after it was full, that Mr. Winston had never seen Mr. Collier before in his life, when before the Magistrates.- ...


... oad, bootmrlker, at twelve; audit rnd ?? and Irving, of Cran-courTt, pubitshers, at one; ?? Price, of the Theatre Royal Drury lane, bookseller, at halrfpast one; ?? Italfs, of Tavistock.street, printed furniture mennufacturer, at two; dividend. CoRONER'S ...


... warm discussions arose between Messrs ADOLPHUS and PsnmLIPtS, the former ensployed by the Managers of Covent Garden and Drury Lane Theatres, the latter for the Defendant. The office was crowded by persons connected with the drama. Several witnesses were ...