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Advertisements & Notices

... several Persons of Distinaion. RACE WEEK. NEW THEATRE, BURFZORD. ]'Sir R. LACY, from the Theatres Royal MVl Covent Garden and Drury Lane, relpectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public at large, that he has fitted up a temporary Theatre, for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &. Air. BJEALE Drury Lane rio. prikii MrT. COULDOCKc Exeter do. funit Air'. 0, COOKE Liverpool do. Moiln BITr. Dounsawy, late of this Theatre vl Air. FRtAYE1t, do.dyI AIr. (6olliucl, front Norwicit do. togC Air. GiinntEioii Drury Lane (lio. file. C. Ilosw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HLAXS, Aipril MAth, 19. J. :u- THEATRE ROYAL, PORTSMOUTH. MhTR. OTMWAY, from the Theatres Royal Corveit 1, lvY ;Gardeni and Drury Lane, is engaged for Three rlk Nights, and will make his first appearaice onl 1i7otlday Dil Evenilng, April 15th, ii Shakspeare's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Butts, Pipes, Hogsheads, cheaper than the above prices. i Private Boxes, and. Admissions for the King's, Covent Garden, and Drury Lane Theatres, by the night, week, & season. N. B. No orders will be attended to unless accompanied with a remittances and postage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... frequent BONUSESinthe BIRMINGUAMi,1WARM1ICK, W7ORCESTER, STRATFORD, l\H0NMOUTII, and other CANALS; in COVENT GARDEN and DRURY LANE THEATRES, NORWICH FIRE OFFICE, GAS and COAL COMPANIES, &c.-Particulars may be had at the Mart, and- of Mr. Scott, Estate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... celebrated Eau de Cologne, 18s. per Case, Sizr ?? each. abbe Persons visiting London may obtain Private Boxes for the King's, Drury Lane, and Covent Garden Theatres, in the best situations, and at the most reasonable prices. TOWERS's TONIC PILLS, ?? aperient ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1R17, ° which occasion he lies engaged the ?? Artistes .their first appearance ?? SHIREleFFwPritip Donna, Theatre lloyal, Drury lane- Signor rORA BOStCH! w.ho vwill execute a Fantasia on the t lario. a nd Gonductor of' the Sacieata Amnonicat London, who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTHAMPTON' THEATRE. I .fR. COILILIN: -mot , refpedfully informs the- ;VI Public, tha Mr. J. BANNISTER, of the Theatre :Royal, Drury Lane, is engaged te perform at this Theanr, on M&NDAY the 3oth AuguIt, and the following WED- NESDAY'an(d FRIDAY. r \,PERSON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Work will contain the nmod favourite Tragedies, Comedies, anid Operas, as they are now performed at the 'Ilhearre Royal Drury Lane, Covent Gardenr, and the Hay F Market; accurately copied from the Prompter's Books, by tl Permiflion of the Manage's. Number ...

Advertisements & Notices

... continued, Weekly) of a new Ktk, ntta THE BRITI SH THEATRE; i Or, a COLLECTION Of PLAYS, which are shed 1Patd Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Gardo - d Haymarket. Printed under the But oriy a Permiffion of the Managers, from the Pcoti'lt Ba With Biog apia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... continued Weekly) of h new Work, entitled HE BRITISH ?? HEATRE. or, a C9, L ledtion of Plays, lshich are a&ed at the Thma Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and Havmaftq Printed under the Authority and by Perrniffion of thr Managers from the Prompt Books. With ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tranflated by Bensjasin Tbonpmfn, Efq. contain- ing the STRANGER, a Play, in five Als, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane i from the German of AUGUSTUS VON KOTZEBUE. On the ait of February will be published No. II. which will contain the Tragedy ...