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... the timber yard. The house and premises of Mr Findon' are reduced to a state of ruins. Several of the houses in Coal yard, Drury lane, the rear of which adjoin Mr Findon's manufactory. have suffered a good deal. The premises, furniture, and stock in trade ...


... the body of Mary Ann Hugdon, aged two months. The mother of deceased went to the shop of Mr Jardine, achemist, residing in Drury lane, and asked for a pennyworth of Godfrey's cor- dial. She was served by a person named Sawer, assistant, who told her that ...


... DREADFUL FiRnn-About half past nine o'clock on Tuesday morning, a fire broke out in the bake-henue of Mr Penfold, No. 128 Drury lane. Such was the rapidity with wlhicb the flames spread, that the inmates were obliged to save thremselves by jumping fromn ...


... threat of accusing him of being addicted to improper practices. Mr. ram stated that he went to the two-shilling gallery of Drury-lane Theatre, on the night of Wednesday week, and took with him two boys, the sons of a gentleman named Horton; the crowd wvas ...


... as well watched as any part of the City. -BOW STREET. James Neil, proprietor of an infamous brothel in White Hart yard, Drury lane, and Julioa A'Clare, were on Monday charged by Mr W. Ashmore with a desperate assault upon his person, and with robbing ...


... after dalta c- Cnptt t hy Mr. Eiwaird Kein, the zaeor, of Drury-lane Tbeatre, 1ud payable to the order of Mr. John Chdfles 'iitch. the keeper of the 0. 1. ..d ?? S. T tven, Russell-coturt, Drury lane. Ill support of the 1'11aintiff's case, the ?? of the ac- ...


... inclement weather. William Field, F 12$, delposed that about half-past ten o'clock on Thursday night last lie was on duty in Drury- lane, whet lie observed the deceased lying ott thc Iavement. The poor man was sensible, hut unable to move or speak. WVituiess ...


... anchor. Two of the party went on shore for the night, and left the other two, Mr. J. Lecand, a carver and gilder, of No. 37, Drury- lane, and another young man, on hoard. Mr. Lecand and his friend retired to rest at It o'clock, and soon fell into a profound ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE. COtJRT OF, CHANCERY, THUROSDAY. MARCH 1. THE DRURY-LANE AND COBURG THEATRES. ELLISTON AND OTHERS V. JONES AND OTHERS. Alr. HART this day resumned his motion for an Injunction to restrain the defendants from performing, printing, or ...


... was out of town. The case involved the right of the defendant to represent one of Lord Byron's tragedies on the boards of Drury Lane Theatre.. The COURT sasil, that the cause having been called on in its turn, and no person appearing in behalf of the plaintiff ...


... her eye out with an ?? complainant stated, that at three o'clock on that morning she was passing through Brownlow street, DrUry lane, on her way to Covent garden market, where she intended to pur- chase a few water cresses, in order to sell them through ...


... witness went up to his room, when be was hanging to the bedstead by his pocket-handkerchief, quite ?? Joseph Greaves, of Drury lane, deposed that he was one of the deceased's bail. About four months back the deceased carried on an extensive busi- ness ...