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1800 - 1849
12 1840-1849



Antrim, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Fashion and Varieties

... Monch. The deceased Viscount fought with distinguished bravery throughout the whole of the Peninsular campaigns. MARRIAGE oF JENNY LIND AT BATH.-This event, we are informed on the best authority, took place last week, and with suds privacy was the ceremony ...

Fashion and Table Talk

... having taken leave of the Duchess of Sutherland, departed for lluclhinghaiu Palace. JENNY LIND.-The Scotsman announces, on good autho- rity, that Mademoiselle Jenny Lind will visit Edinburgh professionally about the middle of Septemoher. The llfanchester ...

Fashionable Intelligence

... ultimo. The hon. gel- tleman embarlied on the 28th ult., at Avignon, for Arles. HER 'MAJESTY'S THEATRE.-FIRST APPEARANCE OF JENNY LIND. Wr have had frequent experiences of the excitement apper- taining to ' first nights, but we may safely say, and our opinion ...

Fashion and Table Talk

... to inquiries made yesterday, it was statel that Isis lordship passed a quiet sighlt, and was not worse.-Times. 1itdlle. Jenny Lind hIas bees engaged by Mr. Howard Glover for two concerts to talke place at Edinsbtsrghl and Glasgow, at lte sumu of £400 ...

Fashion and Varieties

... following day in a style of festive magniticectte which always chlracterises tile proceedintgs at Wynyard.-tewcastle Journal. JENNY LIND IN NoRSVIcH.-Tlhe two cottcerts at which Matdemoiselle Litd assisted during tite week in this city produiced the sUtm of ...

Fashion and Varieties

... members of the Hligh Mlasonic order of Princes' Granl Rose Croix, No. 1, Cork, at the rooms, Tuckey-street. RE-APPBARANCE OF JENNY LIND. JPrqz~Sy LIND, as we anticipated, made her appearance on, Thursday night at her Majesty's Theatre, as Amina, in the Somnambda ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Worlkman Macntaghten, Bart., M.P., has left Upper Brooke-street, London, for Dandarave, Bushalills, county of Antrisu. JENNY LiND.-A letter received by a gentleman in New York, states that it is Mdlle. Jcnny ?? wvisl to appear in that city, previous ...

Fashionable Intelligence

... davs, the invalid's maladv has made fearful ravages on a COll1titUtiOtl once so robust anti vigorous-Standard of Sattrday. JENNY LIND'S SECOND APPEARA.NCE. 'Mademoiselle Jenniv Lind mnade her secnil appearantce at hter Majesty's Theatre, ott Thursday right ...

Fashion and Varieties

... all dis. tillers of ardent spirits who would ceanse nianufactisring alcholic drinks, which was accepted hsy many. MAD'LLE JENNY LiND.-This interesting and accomplish. ed vocalist has been some time on the continent, in the neighbourhood of the'Rhine,'where ...

Fashion and Varieties

... George fifth Earl of Stataford aud il arlington, anI( Lady Hcnrietta, secoud daughter of WMilliams secotid Dulke of Portland. JENNY LIND.-Ont Saturday last, a concert was given at Liverpool, at whlichl Jetitny Iid perfirmedt gratuitously, for the purpose of ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Cile Viceregal Lodge, and resuime his otice of Private Sccretary to his Execilency the Lord Lieutenaant. -Eveniesy Post. JENNY LIND.-Letters from New York state that Mr. Bennett has oftered Jen!m Litid 1,000 dollars. per night for 200 nights, anllt itade ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Treasury, and Sir D. Dundas will become Judge Advocate. The necessary writs will be moved for to-day.-Times of Mondaty. JENNY LiND.-Among the contradictory rumours afloat with respect to the marriage of the Queen of song, we have heard one this morning ...