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1800 - 1849
47 1840-1849


Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... abdicated the same year; died in 1821. JsNmy LeNs Gig-Over a beer shop in the High Street, Hastinge, are inscribed the words 'Jenny Lind's Gin.' DisPATCH ow BOsrwsss.-The Scornsu FRse points out the irony of the ?? that Parlia. mont will meet en the let of ...

General Intelligence

... the body of their comrade Clarke, who, it will be remembered, was found in a corn hield murdered in last June. JENNs LIn.-Jenny Lind has finally arranged to come to London and sing at 11er Majesty's Theatre, Mr. Lumoley giving her an indemnity against all ...

General Intelligence

... body of their comraode Clarke, who, it vill be remembered, was found in a corn field murdered in last June. JxNNY LIXD.-Jenny Lind has finally arranged to come to Lindon and sing atl Her M ajestv's Thoatre, Mr. Lumley giving her an indemalitv agaist all ...


... adoptedi at the post-oflice under his auspices, is cited as an additional preof of his it extraction, if any wereneeded. r, JENNY LIND.-Mr Bunn has modestly offered to *e takc £2,000 from Jemny Lind, and annul the con- of tract, providcd sbe will also sing ...


... married a lady of the name of se aWeller. r- JaNHY LsiD.-Nothvwithstandiag all the rumours' of retirement, marriage, &c., Jenny Lind'isengagcd( he for the coming season at her Mrajesty's theatre. THE LAND. 'es A people among whom equality reigned would ...


... which talk of Irih al famine, mention nio cad twuly 'guiaec as the m if. ghien for a b.x in the Dublin thestre. at; GeMI Jenny Lind's performaunes. Oar lives are spout either in doing othbin at a n- or in doing nothing to th' purpose, or in doing s nothing ...

Home News

... delinquents, and ordered be the prisoners to ba brought agsai -at the next m sitting. i51 nuVOrcNraic. gi- SrscutsTGue.-Jenny Lind appeared at Exeter on o Friday and Saturday, esciting among the towns- of people the enthusiasm wvhich has now becomae a ...

Home News

... other delinquents, and ordered ,d the prisoners to be brought again at the next ?? sitting. is ' DavoasUIBx.- is Sresuueso.-Jenny Lind appeared' at Exeter on a Friday and Saturday, exciting among the towns. s. people the enthusiasmx which has now become a ...