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Morning Chronicle



London, London, England

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Morning Chronicle


... ISABELLA, THE EVE OF ST. AGNES,.and other POEMS. By JOHN KEATS, Author of Endymion. Printed for Taylor and Hessey, 93, Fleet-street. Of whom may be had, ENDYMION; a Poetic Romance. By John Keats. Hand- somely printed in 8vo. price 9s. boards. EXTRACT ...


... with a Portrait, MEMOIRS and REMAINS of JOHN KEATS. Printed for Taylor and Hessey, Fleet-street. Of whom may be had, ENDYMION : a Poetic Romance, by John Keats, 8vo, 9s. LAMIA, ISABELLA, and other poems, by John Keats, 7s. 6d. In I vol. Svo. price 12s boards ...

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... Soui, iS7, Piccadilly. In foolscap 8vo. price 7s. 6d. boards, LAMIA ISABELLA, the EVE of ST. AGNES, and other Poems; By JOHN KEATS, Author of Endymion. Printed for Taylor and Hessey, 93, Fleet-street. On Monday will be published, in 8vo. containing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hessey, 93, Fleet-street; of whom may be had just published, LAMIA, ISABELLA, the EVE OF ST. AGNES, and other Poems. By John Keats, Author of Endymion. By B. J. Holdswvorth, 18 (South Side), St. Paul's Church-vard, A HISTORY of INTOLERANCE ; with Ob- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISABELLA, THE EVE OF ST. Lj AGNES, and other POEMS. By JOHN KEATS, Author of Endymion. Printed for Taylor and Hessey, 93, Fleet-street. Of whom tmay be had, snNrrsixoNs; a Poetic Romance. By John Keats. Hand- somely printed in Svo. price 9s. boards. EXTRACT ...


... 93, Fleet-street. 11 In foolscap 8vo. price 7s. 6d. in boards, AMIA ISABELLAS The EVE of ST. AGNES, andoth eroPoems. By JOHN KEATS, Au- tbor of '4Entlyrion. ' These Poems have nothing showy, or extravagant, or ec- L centric about them; but are pieces ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Promotions, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, with Biographical Particulars of rh&.archbisbop of Cashel-Michael Brvan, Esq.-Dr. John Keats- Fon- tares, Alexander Stephens, &c. &c. . To prevent disappointment, those who desire to commence with the New Series ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bond-stveet.', In foolscap Sio.'price 7s. Gld. Ioars's, I AMIA ISABEL'3LtA the EVE of ST. AG'NgS, L apd other Poems. B' JOHN KEATS, Author of Enldymion. Printed for Taylor and Messey, 95, Fleet-street. Prl4.yd. Sed d Jesse Foot s, C ASES of the Succegsful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Visit to ite Battle-fields of Cressy and Agiiieourt. By llenry Lawes Lotg, Esq. 12. Attacreontics. By Johit Oxettforl. 13, John Keats. 14. The Richest Commosser its Etngland. 1.. The HSabituls Note-Book. By Charles Hlervey. 16. The Extintet Kitgdedom of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hessey, 93, Fleet-street; of whom J mnay be bad jtust published, LAMIA, Is4rELLA, the EVE OF ST. A oaSEs, and other Poems. By John Keats, Author of Endymion. On Wednesday next, A HE PROTOCOL; or, Selections from a Red l 1 Box, found in the Neighbourhood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... choseh if he had written in English, and in a later day. HEdinburght Ravievi, No.58. SxwYrmiov a Poetic I1oniance. By John Keats. Hand- sonmely printed id Svo. price 6s. boards. ' The IDENTITY of JtSymms with a Dxser.cunsisnrD LIVING CHA- AACTZM established ...

Advertisements & Notices

... all the Booksellers. r In foolscap Svo. price 7s. 6d. in boards, L AMIA, ISABELLA, EVE of ST L AGNES, and other Poems. By JOHN KEATS, Au: d thor of Etidymion.' These Poems have nothing showy, or extravagant, or accen- tric about them; but are pieces ...