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Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... great variety of fiae Jamaica Sugtis in til elgautitiee at Wholesale Prices. WIN ES. 3 Pipea Old Port, Claret, East and West Indis Ma loirf, Slieriy, Ienerifle, Sweet Mountain, &c. &c. &c. Purt Vine at Two Gtuineas per dozen. Teiieriffe at do. do. %asea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... haia-8I, Chi1ta-2, Russin in Asia-Ns Alricsc 34, Egopt4S5, Gulf Stream-SO, Armerica 3-3r N. 'AmIe- riea-~S, Unite.d ates_59, West 'Indi.*4Oj S.-Aterinco. -Also i -Map of the Compatative Height of the ditlrent Nfouailhs, &c. &c. .Each Maipis alsa namente^wi'a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the ntuch esteemedl Seidlit z Spring in Germany. TTe good effetssofthis mieticine in thiscountry, and in tle, East and West Indies, have b een observed by many of the orost eminettt P ysicians and Sorgeoos in a variety of cases, harti- cularly in those ...

Advertisements & Notices

... greater part up- wards of three ,years imported, 20 Butts superior td Sherry uld firs# growth Claret in Bottle. Hock, East and West Indie Madeira, Chain- paiga, Burgundy, Hernsilaoge and Carcavella, with ei other Wines in general use. IEDIUCTION IN THE PRICE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... greaterpart up- cnards of three years imported, 20 Butts sitperior Nold Sherry old first growth Claret in Bottle. Hock, East and West Indi, Madeira, Cham- piiow, Burgurindy, IHermiage and Carcavella, with elf other i .in gencral use. :: Li' .X VI- } otiuiuA';>S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the beat quality, and finest colours, in addi- ion to which he has just landed another case direct from the West Indies, which he is manufaciuring into Combs, of the newest shapes and patterns, which he is determined to sell at such law profits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Calipash and Calipee, Fins end Green Fatl are put up, the TUI1TLE will be found uore economical, and as it is killed in the West Indies when in the highest state of perfection, it is superior to any that can be imported alive. To prevent misapprehension it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the beat quality. and finest colours, in addi- tion to which he has just landed another case direct from the West Indies, which he is manufacatring into Combs of the newest shapes and patterns, which he is determined to sell at sueh low. profits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cahipsh und Calipee, Fins and Green Pat 'tare put tip, the TUBTlL will be found more economical, and as it is killed in the West Indies 'vheri'in thehighest state of perfection, i: is superior to any ttat can be imported aliva. To prevent misapprebension it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in Aid of the Funds for the Suipport and Estension of the - -NEH ffDIS F -PG' 'ANIT O1r MISSIONS ln Africa, the East and West Indies. New Sdutit Wales, Van Diemen's Land, New Zealand, the Friendly Islands,: Canada, Nova Scotia, Gibraltar, Prance, Irelhicd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Breaking the Line; Indian Army; Naval Surveys,'&c.; EDITOR'S P6RT- FoLro: United Service Museum ; Newly-discovered Rock in the West Indies * General Orders and Circulars, including the New Reeulations ; MONTHLY NAVAL REGISTER, Annals of the British Fleet, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Line; Indian Army; Naval Surveys, &c.; EDITOlt'S PoaRT- FOLIO: United Service Museum ; Newly-dieoovered.Rock in the West Indies ; General Orders and Circilars, including the New Regulations ; MONTHLY NAVAL REGSsTEt, Annals of ?? Fleet, the British ...