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... meaiinence in the Church of England ; these words being printed as a quotation in inverted commas. Now we never madeany such assertion: our expression was,that the case of Mr. Rowlatt shows 'I how difcrsU it is for simple merit to rise in the Church of England ...

Lancashire Lent Assizes

... allude to the old church. You will find it of the sing It very difficult to say It Is not a church, assert roud Mr. MARTIN said he believed he should have no difficulty sloe Ii very In satisfying his Lordship that It was net a church within the pay, lIly ...

Lancashire Summer Assizes

... stated the case. The plaintiff was the Rev. Edward Carr, incumbent of the Church of St. Helen's, which was formerly called St. Helen's Church, but in the year was named St. Mary's Church. The defendant, the Rev. George Mostyn, who, he (Mr. Martin) believed ...

Lancaster Spring Assizes

... BAYLEY and Mr. th NAlOw HULLOCK, entered Lancaster on Saturday and OD t follr wing day attended Divine service at the Parish Church, ge ahere a sermon was preached by the High Sheriff's Chaplain, th tP Rev. Mr. Mdasters, from the 10th Matthew, v. 28. *'Fear ...

Lancashire Summer Assizes

... he was mar- luence ried on the 3d of October, 1825, at the parish church, a there- Manchester, to Jane Rogerson, and afterwards, on the f itution 22d January, 1832, at the same church, to Eliza Shore, 1, bo ex- the former wife being then alive. The c ...


... the chapel of Si. Wil. frid, by the Rev. B. Jarrett, assisted by the Rev. J. Gosford, a' deacon, and the Rev. - Johnson, as sub-deacon. Two ('Iequent sermons were also preached io the same chapel,on in the morning and another in the evening, by time Rv ...


... Johnson. bay Mr. RADCLIFFE wished to put the Commissioners in A~ possession of some facts relative to this church. It was Plat originally a parish church, and on its being given up to the Corporati on it was stipulated that 700 sittings should be thir T~eserved ...

Lancashire Summer Assizes

... might be sub-acut inflammation of the brain th arising from fever, which would have an important influ- ar of nce on the reasoning powers, and in many instances it PI ;e terminated in conflirmed insanity ; a party under the in- an .fluence of sub-acute ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'by' H. .dANDELXY, Esq,, the Following illustrations of a State-Church:- 0. ~~~~~~~No. 1.' )r A SEIZURE FOR CHIURCH-ItATES. In this mcct glaphic ELA picttire, the Of11cers Of a State-Church'i at's represesltel ts r1 0. dep~otlitig6 the house of Is p001' ...


... of Alice ~slai Ann Knightworth : Assiatsin Mrs. Aspinall's shop. Re. collects cleaning a bonnet on the lst of April. Saw it sub. sequently, a few minutes ~before: eight o'clock,. Saw the prisoner standilik close' to the& bonnets. 'Never had seen her before ...


... was opened by Mr. Justice h Alderson, who adjourned the Court till Monday it morning. On Sunda:y both the jumdgvs attentledt Church, accompanied by the Mayor and Corporation to of Lancaster, and the assize sermon was preached by do the Rev. J. Maniby, Vicar ...

Lancashire Spring Assizes

... ad taken. King said he had no occasion to ask him any tli in questions, for he should say nothing. Oa Mooby was D in fbund £22. Left them with the London police. tli 01 Mr. GREEN made a very able and ingenious appeal to DI ri- ?? in behalf of the prisoner ...