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Advertisements & Notices

... Coaueez D.socF.s, which, with all the elegant variety of Ir;tsu, SC-OrtI, FiteNca and ITALIAN STEPS they may cqalrc in PlERFECT PRIVaCY at t.cir OWN Houins on rca- ionable1 Terms, with accuracy and expedition, at his Aca- demy, elablilhed at his HosidE, No. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fafnionable, to g-, tunesq. A new F-oxtsirtee, calledthe UNION, whicl with cvery requi- ?? ?? may aiqulire inl PER- .FECT PRIVACY at tieir OWN HOORs on rta'sonablc 'elms, at his Academy. ellabisited at his HousE, ,Z, GrnAe'r (Qpjtrc STRiET, LI COLNC INN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... celebrated in Ireland, called -IIBI'ERNIA, which withevery requifite for thc BALI. or DRAWING-ROOM they In acquire in PERFEC'IT PRIVACY at their ovln HO11RS on rcalorable terms, at his ACADEMY, cftablilbied at his houfe,, No. 32, Great Qucca-iircetr Lincoln's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... celebrated in Ireland, cahled HIBERNIA, vlhicli ?? yrequirite for the BALl, or DRAWING-ROOTM thev F yal'rcquire in PERFECT PRIVACY at their own HOURS a reafodalule terms, at his ACADEMY, citablified at his huoufe, No. 3a, Geat ?? Inn-fields. Blarding Seinoll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... see, ?? in Ireland, calld,H.IBE!-RNlA, whrlsea ''s~smcv eqdlc urthe BALL atrDRA~.rIING.-ROO'M thety lea acquire in PE:RFECT PRIVACY at their own HiOURS otireafonatable iros, at ?? taufe, NoCp reat Goseeu-ftrect, Lincoln's Inn-fil~ds Boariling 'Seho~ls regularly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... celebrated in Ireland, called. HIBERNA, which B witbeveryrequifitefor theBALLorlDRAWING-ROOM they w eray scquire in PERFECT PRIVACY at their own HOURS r onreaforable terns, at his ACADEMY, eftablifled at his houfe, No, 32, Great Q(een-fireet, Lincoln's ...


... in Ireland, cafled' NiB RE I-$IA which saheeery reqailinW for the XSALL. or'DR h.WI i-.7 ROOM 'tley ovicacirein PERFILC I PRIVACY at their own HOU1-.S stcafoeatsle tcrolll, at his ACADEMY, eltablihted at his houfe, D 21 Gres7t Qmeen-ltre&, Lincoln's Inn-fields ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIEV one, ?? in Ireland, ?? HIBERNIlA, which iheleeryrecluilite for the BALL orDRAWING-ROOM they pray;,cruire ii IERFECT PRIVACY at thcir own HOURS saoe~nallo-cms~a't his ACADEM&Y,,rItabl, led at his hoi4e, lEo, p. Great Q9een-ftreet, Lincdlr's Inn-fields ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Srk ojx celcirated in Ireland, called HIBERNIA, wihich ettrit i,~o thteBALL orIJRAWING.ItOM he ratZ acquire II FEiiiFEC'fr PRIVACY at their owit HO1UR s tsfe,~ trms~, at his ACADEMvY, eltabliffhed at his hoiife; ft L. mt QZ~een-ftrett, Linto's lann-tields ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a , ieter' celchrattl in Ireland, callecd.HIlBERNA, wvicli Ieryreqifite for tlieBAlI. orDRAWING-kOO 1M They quire in ?? PRIVACY at thlcir oswn HOURS IPionatbIC terms, at his ACADEMY, eftablithed at his houfe, 'Its Gtcat ~een-ltrcet-,Lincoln's Inn-fields ...

Advertisements & Notices

... also ar Lf' Oei%, celebrated in Ireland, ?? FilEERS lA, which y req-ifite for the BAlL or DRA.WING-ROOM they sire i)ERFECT PRIVACY at thir'ovin HOIJRS rrrlwable Leraisat his ACADEMY, ehtablilied athisahoufg, , G trcet Q~eenl-i-reet, Lincoin'slrbn-filelda ...

Advertisements & Notices

... celebratedin Ireland, called HIBERNIA, which with every requifite f4r the BALL or DRAWING ROOM they may acqaire in PERFECT PRIVACY, at their own HOtQRS,. oa reafonable terms, at his ACADEMY, efiblifihed at his houfe, No. 3a, Great (een-Ierect, Lincoln's ...