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... each day lo o'clock. 'I'’HE GENUINE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Plate, Linen, X China, and Glaflcs, of MclT. Hugh Cuaata and Son, Bankrupt*. compriGng prime GooCe Feather Bed*, Mahogany four polled Bed (lead*, Chintz and other Hanging*, excellent Bedding, Sheet* ...

--- TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION At John Drinkwater's office, Water-street, To-morrow, 9Friday 24th inst at eleven ..

... and Craf« at Seven and Jix-pence of May, and after thit,day at Six Shi r ’’HF. Commillioittr* » t'oirmillion «•; Bankrupt .tv it.j'T' JL i.TucJ forth anainll Weill, late o*’ co-vntv l.anc tfttr,merchant, dealer tlnpfn.fn.ilremt’tii ...

IfEWfRUIT, M l.t*»OV. . ON SA LX, . By JAMES STOKES, « hi.'Warcl.Of – t.i Chcq*, »>7 H-lr Chclii

... for exportation, y«e mmiuf^cturcri 1 prices, credits, confont fuppjy of SI'RONC SHOES l 'HK Commitiioiim in a Commiffion of Bankrupt, awai Jed and X illucd agiiinft Thomas Rawlins, of UyrrjHKil. in the countv of I.ancaftcr, merchant, dealer and chapnan, ...


... Forihaw’s, the Globe Tavern, in Jobii-ftreet, in Liverpool afurefaid, in order make a dividetid of the effate ctfecls of the laid bankrupt; when and where the crcdiiors xAinhave not already proved tiicir debts, are to come prepared to prove the fiunc, or they ...


... BANKRUPTS. John and William (huntile, liver pool, imt.hnats; PeS. ta. It, Mitch I, Asset, I.Kvr|wat: attorney, Mr. ll.m>y, Liw.rpc>i|. Andrew Paul FoufUles and ftvurta:es Errovtftiwf. RuiVitg ...


... Church to Bootle. .ml for Sale, about TW’O TON CASSLA FISTULA. Apply to JOHN KFAVI.EY. , HK Commiffinntr* a Commilllnn of Bankrupt awarded and iffued forth againll John Wells, late Liverpool, in the county of Lancadtr, merchant, dealer and chapman, intend ...

WAMTtD, a» PbRTEtI, * per&a that iietfcAlr . with the Ale and Porter A AaradlcrlKS .. fobnety w.» regu.rcd. ;

... aifiguecs, and at the laft fitting the faid bankrupt is tcqturcd finifti his exaimnation, and the cteditots are to affent to or dif> from (he allovftrice of bit entificatc. All peefons indebted to ■ itf bankrupt, that have any bis effcdls are not to pay ...

WHEREAS Coinmiinpn bankf upt awarded and forth William liUvtr and Ritbutd WHlivm, t>th if Banpr, in Ibt county ..

... and Ritbutd WHlivm, t>th if Banpr, in Ibt county of Carnarvon, Dealer,, Cintmen, and Co-far Oar,, and they being declared bankrupt*, are hereby required to furfendcr to the commiffioneu, in the faid commifCon nathed, or the major part of them, on the twentr ...

WHEREAS of Bonkrupt i( awarded and iffued forth JOHN EYE, late of J.HrcTpnoi; tlk county of l^eafor^M^chau, ..

... httuig to chulb and' at the lift fitting the fat’d bankrupt required finUh hi# eAukination, and the freditor* are aflent diOcnt from tht allow, ance oPliiacetjUleate. All indehtod to the faid bankrupt,, of bt« cffiedli, are opt to pay deliver the flune ...

COMMITTEE ROOM, BRONSWICK-STREET. ; « MscriNo the Committee for condii&injt the Ltvtk*fX^^*'r *'™***> 4 s It U ..

... in Keyltrect. Monday the day of March, ■ tea o’clock, prcelfely, * i > ya'naWe STOCK aii|d i'ixtures Mr. William Bonny, Bankrupt)' confiftiug of large quantity of Brown and White Soap. MowM and-Dipt Candle*. Scotch K ...