... Entertainment of THE FARIMER. Jemnmy jumps, Mr. Munden . VeIcntine, Mr. Tsha5flonle Farmer Blackberry, Mr. Townrend. Molly Majolut, MIrs- Martyr; and Betty Blackberry, Mrs. Mitchfield. Boxes 6s.-Pit 3s. 6d.-Gall. ?? Gall. is. Plc's for the Boxes to be taken ...


... Illecrowi, thee With flowerslike aquees! v Oh, baste!,fur the shepherd H1th wakened his pipe, And led ourt-bis'laribs Where the blackberry's ripe: The bright sum ia tasting.' The dew on the thyme; The gay maiden's liiing An old bridal-rhymie ' There is joy in ...


... And left a golden stain. Hedge-rows are fair (Fringing old lanes-round groen and cotted lones) With hip and haw, the blackberry and sloe; Lovely the moon, Vwith nright glowers everywhere. Sweet the new song of redbroast waltbling low. oc''rOlEfl. The ...


... morning. mist alad evening haze- Unlike this cold grey rime- Seem'd woven waves of golden sir, When I was in in7 prime. A-lnd blackberries-so mawkish now- Vcre finely favyour'd.then; And liezel nuts I such clustedr thick I no'er shall pull again Nor strawberries ...


... morning mist and evening haze (Unilke this cold grey rime) Seemed woven wvarns of golden air- When I was In my prime. And blackberries-so mawkish now- Were finely flavoured then; And uuts-such reddening clusters ripe I ne'er shall pull again. Nor strawberrles ...


... teres, And left a golden sblm. Hedge.rows are faro (Fitegleg old liams-round greeg and w coUod lotas With hip and haw, the blackberry and star. Lovely the moon. with bright flowers everywherne. Sweet th oew soeng or redareeat warbliog low. ! I ...


... ,,, IrI *b Il ,riul tiie ox-lill shout A'' the loser etemc- r; j,' .sil,,irh with the hlrvthorn tree 'I h -lly tiel tbo blackberry; All , 'zit'i ittl'l ilr ever Lreud .el tire thrusilh and lirirret's song, ri !lter of a scrwl hlired ',, thle' the btranclhes ...


... morning mist and evening haze (Unlike this cold gray rime) Seemed woven warm of golden air- when I was in my prime. And blackberries-so mawkish now- Were finely fiavoubd then; And nuts-such reddening clusters ripe I ne'er shall pull again. Nor strawberries ...


... aro such as fsaicy princes usuallv meet with-itcluding sll insuner of bedevilries, ilying tragons, fairies as thick a8 blackberries, and demons as sable, magic rings and mysterious trap. doors-disc whole winuding up with a trip to the kingdom of fishes ...


... An4 left a goldefi staln. Edge-rciwA are fair (Iringing old Ibnes-round green and cotued leAs) With hip and haw, the blackberry and sloe. Iqvely thhe neon, witl bzfghi flowers every whtrq. 8weet tire new song of redtjreast *aTbling low. ' rr-Ia's rtazgaane ...


... morning mist and evening hase-- Unlike this cold grey rhne- Seemed woven waves of golden air, When I was in my prime. And blackberries-so mawkish now- Were finely flovoured then; And hazel nuts ! such clusters thick I ne'er shall pull again ;- or strawberries ...

Original Poetry

... al' black as the wing o' the raven The tresses that twined roun' caressin' her neek As dark wvere lier Een as the jet ripe blackberry, Whan glist'niit' in dew, shed frae nature's full eye, Throughl which her soul beam'd, like thte bright star o' e'enin ...