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English Chronicle and Whitehall Evening Post


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English Chronicle and Whitehall Evening Post


... their ftyle of ; dancing, The Lady wore, flays a-/u.imfiira, ‘ti.h a !riding habit equally ori . tr. The Gentleman had 1 a cauliflower wig of vett dimenfions, and a coloured coat, with ilitT fkirts. They were both unknowns. Total. 3,78 HAnaY CALIURT, AG. ...

NiW YURg,Nov. j

... contest for the Professorship of Poetry at Oxford. • , There are at present. in d garden at ti inglass, ripe strawberriei, caulifloWers, and large white roses, all equal in quality to any usually seen in the months of June or July.— Mem- Rev. JOHN JENKINS ...

PRIV/ITE CORREsPONDENCE. Paris, March '25, 1822. The state of parties here, at present, is a singular one, and ..

... person of a very nice young haberdasher, Mr. Wm: Henry Morris, by Mr. John Fitch, a youthful and golden-haired • grower of cauliflowers and capsicums, in the pleasant village .0f Fulham. Mr. William. Henry Morris deposed that on the 22d of - March last past ...


... about 50 feet beneath the surii; a petrified flat fish, of the thornback species, and curious petrefaction, resembling a cauliflower, but of origin no virtuoso, who has yet seen them, is able to dee: Early on Saturday morning John Harman, an inclasP l° ...

7TON, APRIL 3. Princess Augusta arrived at Royal Highness pass the Easter :y. vas held at the Pavilion on Mondal!

... ' Ilent. inking a well in Lower Rock Gard,e li* _,, o, about 50 feet beneath the the thornback species, and !sembling a cauliflower, but of has yet seen them, is able to devil' )rning John Harman, an industr itfr t rd in a fit, a considerable distance ...

• . • Be IP-S1 RE E'r

... Ellerbach, being indebted to him for sundry plates of roast lamb and cauliflower, he, the complainant, expressed a strong desire to have the said plates of roast lamb and cauliflower paid for without delay, inasmuch as he was fully aware that when a good ...


... bought by the founder, Alleyn, as under :—Nine capons, U. 25.; siX rabbits. 4s. 6d.; fifty eggs, 25.; two colley flowreys (cauliflowers), 3s. ; lump sugar, 9d. a lb.; eight gallons of claret, 16s. ; thirty pounds of butter, 155., Szc. Stowe tells us he used ...

TOPOOMPRICAL 6.FMILLE4NICI tiND TUIIHILL-FIELDS. • Mn. - The determination said to be taken by Government, ..

... gardiners, for which the place is of note, for supplying the Westminster and London markets, with asparagus artichokes, cauliflowers, musk melons, &c. which by their keeping of the earth so rich by dunging. it, and through the nearness to London, the soil ...


... battles; leave such things to our betters. , Give me the Hampshire Hog, or the Cauliflower for a sign. It is three and twenty years since I first saw the , Cauliflower. Ah how many changes have taken place . since then! How have I struggled? Twice ...


... adversary.—From the Hobart of Aug. 2. S trawberries, raspberries and grapes, were yesterday sale la Covent-garden mark et' Cauliflowers, vegetables, asp„ oB .. , celery, and radishes, were also in the market. BIRTH. ,On the 10th i ns t. a t Pyrton, Oxon, ...

the south of Messrs. Gott's factory. The hOtthe and garden have been there as long as he can remember. Witness

... the blossoms, and if there was any fruit, it was necessary to wash it before it could be used, The cabbages, brocoli, and cauliflowers were covered with soot, and if they were boiled without being well washed, they were quite bitter. Cross-examined by Mr ...


... and white a' are ditto at Sc!. a Inst. Ripe gooseberries bring Bd. a pint. Melons he el a lb. Peaches 3s. to 4s. a dozen. Cauliflower is 3d. and 4d. , a t heir Green Peas are 20d. a peck. New Potatoes sell, according 0 A size, from 4d. to (id. a pint.-G ...