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... pounds ii silver of the current coin of the realm, tile properly of Samuel Kinight, and sentenced to be transported 14 years. Henery Wilson, 24, was found guilty on two indictments of stealing wearing apparel, and sentenced to be transported seven years for ...

Police Court

... said tie Itad good reiason to know that the etarteneI YJ mltle~! by tite servant girl, asl to the ignorance of the rol. ati henery 'which had been committed, was correct, astd al ii o' e s nat there wan no further evidence to clhow that dile oi otn, lintoDe ...


... Castles. ' In the N/sxi .Pr/u8 court tire only case of interest to our readers Inwas an action brorighttby the assignees of Henery Wuooi, late of tire Belet Inn, Thomnas-strieie, for thei recovery of 50/., duo for board, -w`.Verdiit for the assignees, 471 ...


... should find most con- leiiiene.'Mr. Bliunt was thent removed out of Court in the cus- tody of the cipseaff 'raiE KtsG-c, V. HENeRY RtUNT ANts OTHERS. Mr. Hurit entered the Coirt, aecompanied by Joseph Johnson, JOhii Healy, and Samuel Bamford ; and on being ...


... shseets, tabloclotles, &c. and sihe ewas committed fsr trial. TUESDAY. Present: Messrs. Hlerepath, Ilowell, end J. N. Sanders. Henery Merrick wast csarged wvit h stealing a quantity of rope. yar frna n bardtheshi JosteBest/sy, ated also wvith damgin te cllat ...


... during a violent gale, at ?? and stver Spanish vessels were wreliked on the Island of Canary. The Gerrte, Hunter: Harrison, Henery; and Isabella, fran Liverpool and Guernsey ; and tie Jules, from Havret wtre sent into Monte Video, by the Brazilian Squadron ...


... Prius Court, where the question as to the validity of the election for the Deaneoy of St. Patrick's was proceeded with. Sir Henery Mleredith occupied iearly the entire day in addressing their lordships on the part of the appellant. The court adjourned at ...


... r uenknowlt i and htavitte Obttil 'iici s ito tile nele htouse tor office, or premises, in st -fore~said, seit Ctle suet H-enery Saunders, and Youl a c -c et.p.c. ' s id. te t fitlse k ey s. o r its som eo oth e Dr ccc tee the 1'rnssceetur tiuseolo vim ...

Law Intelligence

... NS.-CocsBr OF QUEEc'F BENcU, S.ATURDA. -(Before Lord Delcislo -acd a Special Jury.)-Hitl v. Stlatford.-The pisietitf; Mr. Henery Hill, is well knowec ice thc sporticeg world. The e defecedant, Mr. Ilugh Stratford Stratford, so0 of the Rcv. e Hugh Itatnner ...


... g CHELMBP0RD, JULY 19. P CROWN Snss.-BOEra iTHE CNiEs BARON, a DEsERTixa AN 1Nr'ANT.-Bx.TltA0iRDNA1UY CASM. . t Jonathtean Henery Price, a ?? man, de~eribed in flat the calendar as a dissenting Minister, arid Priscilla Bufel tu a ?? about twenty, surrendered ...


... result to him, and in the mea d- time gave directions for the lady to be no longer detahne III ill CLERUKENWELL. On OlOnnERY.--Henery Stanheopee 11'i ectk, a genteel! ad attired man, rather advanced in years, was charged stealing two gold watches, value £35 ...