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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

A Christmas Garland

... ebriotin0 #atuebe -. ?? _ _ _ _I_ MulhDeowreone ubre e tofao wth jly .8o Christmas, the King of Wintethe only ing we Iemoerate: consent to acknowrledge, always ex., eoqtlagg that may-headsd overeign, .sss Pzopn.' Alas ! to thousaa Chrsntmas will this ...

A Christmas Garland

... present production, considered as a Christmas 6tory, vwill not bear comparison with the f Carol ; indeed it might have been published at b Midsummer instead of Christmas,- as it contains b nothing relatitug to Christmas, excepting a slight description ...

A Christmas Garland

... right hearty Christmas Song by one of our sweetest and most popular of minstrels_ WE'LL SING ANOTHER CHRISTMAS SONG. BY ELIZA COOK. We'll sing another Christmas song, for who shell ever tire, To bear tile olden ballad theme around a Christmas fire ? We'll ...


... ILEEDS AND WEST-RIDING NEWS. LEEDS. POCKET PICRINO.-On Monday, Fjiz. Monro, was brought up at the Court House, charged with haying, on Saturday night, picked the pocket of William Wray of 4s. 6d., at a lodging-house in the Boot and Shoe Yard, in Kirkgate ...


... worthy of remark, that since last Christmas, this Order has doubled itself, not only to in number of Lodges, but we hope in talent, in- hi telligence, and respectability,-with cheering pros- w pects of several more new Lodges on the eve of hi opening. ...

Local and General Intelligence

... grim in London, with an Illustration by George Cruikshank; Miss Dogsuoae, with an Illustration by Leech; The Philosophy of Physic, with nume- rous comic embellishments, by Alfred Crovquill; The Saddle, a Wiltshire story, also illustrated, by Paul ...

Local and General Intelligence

... grim in London, with an Illustration by George CrAikshank; Miss Dagsnose, with an Illustration by Leech; Tie Philosophy of Physic, with nume- rous comic embellishments, by Alfred Crowquill; ?? The Saddle, a Wiltshire story, also illustrated, by Paul ...

Local and General Intelligence

... gcim in London, with an Illustration by George Cruikshank; Miss Dogdnose, with an Illustration by Leech; The Philosophy of Physic, with nume- rous comic embellishments, by Alfred Crowquill; The Saddle, a Wiltshire story, also illustrated, by Paul ...

Local and General Intelligence

... Victim Fund. All persons send- s ing orders, must send a copy to the Executive. Ie The new number for March of Bentley's Miscel Ir lany is asnueual profusely illustrated by Crowquill, )r Cruilcohank, and Leech, while the literary depart- Af ment is also ...

Chartist Intelligence

... her powerfal pen to the illustration of the Poor Law System.- Londosn Paprer. CuRious ASTrONIMICAL FACT.-There is no new moon in the month of February, 1843, but there are two new moons in the month of March following. It is a new moon ol the 90th of Januar ...

Chartist Intelligence

... powerful pen to the illustration of the Poor Law System.- Londoni Paper. Cttntous ASreeONINICAL FACT.-Tlhere is no new moon in tile month of February, 1843, but there are twvo new moons in the month o lt lirch following. It is a new meoon on the 30th i'f ...


... -Pope. CEEISTMAS Duvirzas.-W1aeDn the Cork Ruardians refused a meat dinner on Christmas Day 500 paupers left the workhouae I A royal decree takes off the stamp duty on news. papers, both Passiaan and foreign, from the lat of January. AUATRIAN NATIONAL ...