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Exeter Flying Post



Devon, England

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Exeter Flying Post

Advertisements & Notices

... as the mpea5les and chlp cougb are so prevalent. If lbe 'rrhiation of the .gaoi cooes with any other disorder, *eiy fev infants iecovei. Mothers ought .eter td .ba without t'fe AMERICAN SOOTHI G SYRUP. Id ihe Suisury; for it a chIl4 wakes In the nlght ...

Advertisements & Notices

... is superiorto all other remedies for the Wind, Purg. ings, Convulsions, and those Disorders in the Stomach and Bowels of Infants, which prove fatal to so many ul. der the age of two years. It is equally efficacious in Cholics, Fluxes, and other Complaints ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bound. 21. ehe FIRSr PRINCIPLES of RELIGION, and the Existenceofa Deitvexplained ?? Dialoguesadapted to the Capacity of the Infant Minrd. By M%. P. Ptice2s.half-bdi. 22. COBWEBS TO CA'lCli FLIES; or, Dialogues in short Sentences, adapted tq Children from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and the firlf gentlermen y of the faculty who ufc it, declare ita fine flomachic and , bracer, and for fafety proper for an infant. It eradicats the foulnefs the mouth is ?? to, from diet, or dil- ;, ordered lromach,andbyitshealing, purif in , and bal- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOZENGES. IT is a fact established by the annual Bills of Mortality that one half of the children born are cut . before attaining seven years of age, and the fruitfill sourceoftthis mortality is found toexist in that foul state, of the stomach and bowels ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Inclement Wcather, the Abuse of Spirituous Liquors, and in the Spasmodic Affections of the Stomach and Bowels, -o common to Infants,-adapting the dose to the urgency of the ease. As a Family Ml1edicine, or for the AnNv or NAvY, it will be found a valuable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Friends,-As a small tribute of gratitude tff the inventor, of CARRINOTON's LipsE PIL6s, and for the benefit of my fellow mortals,, I am induced to declare that I have found very greal benefit in taking tbem. For upwards of tweaty-fine years I have been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... good etlreets of the AMERICAN SOOTHING SYRUP,.none are more entitled to the attention ofevery 111other aud Nurse, than the ?? infant daughter of Mrs. Ireson, Oxford-street, was at the tender age of two months, taken very ?? Physician could not find out the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Inclement Weather, the Abuse of Spirituous Liquors, and in the -Spasmodie Affections of the Stomach and Bowels, so common to Infants,-adapting the dose to the urgency of the case. As a Family Medicine, or for the Arniv or NAVY, it Wivl. be found a valuable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A-F superior to all other remedies for the wind, purg- ings, convulsions, and those disorders in the stomach and bowels of infants, which prove fatal to so many un- der the age of two years. It is equally efficacious in cholics, fluxes, and other complaints ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iS superior to all other remedies for the wind, purg- ings, convolsions, and those disorders in the stomach aid bowels of infants, Nrhich prove fatal to so many on- ddi the age of two years. is 15eqnaliy effleacious in, choliee, fluxes, and othercomiplaints ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOZENGIE'S. I T is a fact established by the annual Bills of Mortality that one half of the Children hort are cut oX before attaining seven years of age, and the fruitful source ofthis mortality is fcnnd to exist in that foul state, of the stomach and bowels ...