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Advertisements & Notices

... years of age, five feet four * inches high, dark complelon much pitted vith sIansl-pock. i, of a slender mike, knees turned inward, tand appears deformed I in his mouthband shoulders; he was hor Pt the County of I Kildare, and lately traded a @ Corn-Factor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... entitled A GUIDI TO HEALTH, or, Ad vice to both Sexesi a variety of Complaints,`.by S. SOLOAMON, Dr. D.-contlininng'a Treatise on Female Diseases, Nervous and Hypochonaaria Complaints, Sexual Debility, &C. &c. (009 NOTICE TO SHIPPERS FOR JAMAICA. iUHOMAS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sold cheap. 689) Belfast, February 6, 1829. ll . SOLO1MNON'S CORDIAL BALM OF DjP GILJEAD is peculiarly efficacious In all inward Wastings, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Depression of Spirits, Trembling or Shaking of the Hands or Limbs, Shortness of Breath ...

Advertisements & Notices

... entitled 1 A GUID1JO HEALrH, or, Ad- vice to both Sexes, in a variety of Complaints,-by S. SOLOMON, L. D.-containing a Treatise on Female Diseas-s, Nervous and Hypochondriac Complaints, Sexual Debility, &e. &c, (10 FOR SALE, The fast sailing Brig TWO SISTERS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ged' to be a riost agreeable ,and poe..eI-fiil resioiltre n all ner-, ious. disorders, and may:be taken-with adganrage in inward' wastings, loss of appetite, idigestion depression of spirits, ,trembling or slhaking of-thiehands ol limbs,.slhortness of: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Morison's Medicines:_ Cure of Jaundice, attended with the discharge of Gal]- stones, and the substance of a long-offending inward Turnour. To Messrs. MonesoN and MOAT, MY DrtAL Sills,-I should consider myself guilty of! ingratitude, longer to withhold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :MoTison's Medicines:- 'Cure of Jaundice, attended with the discharge of Gall- stones, and the substance of a long-offending inward Turmiour. To Messrs. MoRisoN and MNOAT, iVly DEAl Snlts,-I should consider myself guilty of ingratitude, longer to withhold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... your medicine, was y hjh from it (Her Ladyship here menttons everal other complaints.) For the last fourteen monL, I have never been confined for a day to the bouse. Allmy complaints have decreased gradually; from being a mass of inflanmation, I do not know ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This Buoy may be passed on either side, Northward or Southward. The next objcct to attract the Mariner's attention, when inward bound, will be the Perch on Lee Sear Point.- Until a Lighthouse sball be erected, this Perch must be left on the starboard ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Disorders, Tic Doloreux, Inward Wastings, Lowness of Spirits in every state of Debility, whether natural or acquired; Palpitations of the Heart, Sick Head Ache, Seminal Weakness, Obstinate Coughs, Dimness of Sight, Liver Complaints, Offensive Breath, Blotches ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Disorders, Tic Doloreux, Inward Wastings, Lowness of Spirits in every state of Debility, whether natural or acquired; Palpitations of the Heart, Sick Head Ache, Seminal Weakness, Obstinate Coughs, Dimness of Sight, Liver Complaints, Offensive Breath, Blotches ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mild operation of these Pills, are most happily congeaial to the native- delicacy of the female constitution; anti those complaints of which females are more immediately sustep- tible comne so directly within their benign influence, that their timely ...