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Advertisements & Notices

... who ray ap. ply tothle Woodand ofwhorn particulars may be had; also at E the Ilings Arms, Great Berkhamstead George Aylesbury, f Red Li.te Hig W Wycomb., Abercornee Arms, Staimore; at Garravwuy's; and of MLasra.-Ellis and Fletcher, xz6,Fenthurch- r street ...

Advertisements & Notices

... io f Messrs. Kay-and' Ren. bthaw, arid of M16srn Dckworth and Chilipetdidle, Manchester; ASir. Wynnej -Solicitor, Mold; Air, John Jotlic,' Vasthill' ; Alir. g~nhsleIhgt; of Newss. Pemberton, anod Coo pland, ?? ws-- , ur.Att [sat the prtiricipn [inns at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Casi-le-sireei, lI,,lhorn; (if Mr. T: Lewis, LUni- 11 4t d' flu, oef zMr.'T4 Hifissall, and at 'th Anlgel Inn, Cardigan ; the co Muckworth Arms, Swansea; the Golden Lion, Brecon; ?? 9se B31sh, att Crrisnreheic; ile Prniters of the Gloucester and FHere- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... honour be, Vcifx'it the greatest regard aud respedl, Genatlemten, Y-oucrfaithlul and devoteti humible Sf'rvaist. Aug. I1! 1810 JOHN DU 1TOM. rr' c-NITRAICTORS, FARMERS, 'and others. islseby given, that the Commissioners for T*~ nist ciesnng, lighting aud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ? , , I . XI. That the Conmittee for guarding tleprivlleges .of -the i Methodists in the -Connedion of the late leverend John Wesxey, having essentially contributed to -his inportantsuccess bytheir concurrent efforts and cheerĀ£fil co operatpn, aveincreased ...

Advertisements & Notices

... composed the meeotingate owhich S. ihills, Eic. wvas chair- into; tel this ~oammitte I ?? cteing; to Thoma-s P'ellitt, Esq. and John Wilki, E~sq.. whoD so etbly discisarged the Uffiee o'f ~ertti5to -that C.0inosittee., - 'imat this nse-.tb.Asg expresses its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... toboalotTo' h day, the , th day ofinovmbr next, wti h eirwhr foeo n, mx h nthe proprietors ire rqeqsxtedoati Paxale 0 ,11: 3 -JOH-N WYLIi,!,Clerkt h opn W ~ANTEDo where a is~tan is 6ept, a' gieddy %4goc iP IN 0Owhiswl aied to-- ,assist the flousemaid in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Got ?? gi nl ?? Marchionesse8 of itafilord, Donxvin- na 5nd Bpandfordrhe Couantesses of Carlisle, Cholmnonde a i s ?? F'es, cardigan, Covlper.-Iriscountes6 Perieevol. fu Broce Burgherso5X, Willoughby, Dungannen, C. W. Be- wi DIl'N reOdyee, Lambert, Caroline ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jarne5sg; con~taitktng two airy chearftila' aed ?? ?? roonms on eachs uoir, vwith excfeiietoffibes5ltt il the accspation f N1:r. John G'fib,, deceased. '.Chirtee years atid a quarter (if the lease 'are- tntl- nived'atia .uodrate rent, audimmnediate poisession ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &.Partitular s may be had at the Swan, Ricknsansworth; W~hite- Horse, Uxbnidge - Esseg Arms, Watford; Whsite Hart, St. Alban's, and E~dge- w are;- Abercornt Arms, andI Crown, Stannaore; a t the M~art;- and of Mir. Bates, Welbeck..etueet, Caveudias.'squere ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be held To-mor- ?? Evening, at the Loisdois Colfee-house, Ludgatc-hill.' The Chair to be taken at Seven o'clock precisely. JOHN BEAUMONT, Rag. and Sec. 9, V'ililers-strcet, Strand. JOINEIS' MCOMPANY, t2d UE, 1a12. A PUBLIC COURT of tle Master, Wardens ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Emerv; Elleni, by M~iss EBisotib 1 Alite, by All'si Ft.sror; Isabel, ?? Iioton.-With a Farce. 'Tickets5 to be hI d of Mir. John Blrandon, 4, Liiscoln's-inia-iehds; and at the I ht-fie 111OR the BENEFIT- of MR. GRIMALDI.- I Thsxatre-Rs'yat, Covernt-Garden ...