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Stockport, Cheshire, England

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Irish Cambrics.—lt was lately menCcned, as piece neics, that now tridc was growing in lieUad in the uiaiiufaC* ..

... hearmg an alarming noise sprang from the scaffolding to one of the windows, and held fast hy column forming part of gothic arch. On looking round, was horror stricken “to ace his companions failing with the scaffolding a depth of 59 fret 1 The structure, which ...

lll'KSDAY EEENISG March 13 1S30 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS of A R If ' f petitioning against In advocated the should ..

... man brought out scaffold by the executioner His appearance had considerably for the worse since the trial hut he still very firmness of manner After executioner him to fetal beam be called for Rev Mr tile chaplain who went upon tbe scaffold but finding only ...

1829 TUESDAY Jvtr 28— To o'clock A PIECE PLATE value loo sov by subscriptions of 10 each with 50 given

... the thunder-storm of Thursday valuable caw belonging to Mr Peny fanner of Charlcombe near killed by tbe lightning Six property of Mr Sherring of Milborne were killed on same day At Treng wain top near Penzance horse beloaging to Sir Rose Price Bart struck ...

LtrrKvoot— THOMAS ImA Pnpridori Dealers Chapmen to y next ia Jimlkeleg Arms in from Jaly iastaat) ia said ..

... Syhille’ with' sttch impetuosity officers killed Topper siuvc from their Lieutennant- Gordon First Mr Edmiston pm an his chin Another Midshipman e Assistant-Surgeon were killed vessels were however great of killed LONDON 26tm HUN The of Mr Lancaster Assizes ...

TO JAMES LEECH Esq One of Trustees Leader of the Choir of the Stockport School write— tongue worth proclaim? shall

... left the castle was painfully sad After walked a few paces the scaffold met liis eye upon which he seemed to give an involuntary shudder He walked with a firm step to the foot of scaffold oil reaching which he turned hastily to Mr Pinson and begged to ...

BEST that title with Ans'crr inserted in former from Spanish J H It'iJT' Kq I libtsmiU preaching hort( very little

... halfpast eight o'clock the executioner withdraw from the scaffold For minute the most death-like silence prevailed here and there interrupted by the of some ejaculation of prayer from the scaffold During that awful pause a part of the Burial Service read ...

123 in 13 Sol Tanner i'cr V H gold and silver refiner Vruggenkate Grr-trdrs AVrlus of I'- Cuiirt Cl) Allgl'I-CUUrt

... and ascended soon as it in I tlie with hurried scarcely w-lio the said General desired aiie to sustain agitated frame On scaffold how-hitn say that this was the happiest moment of his life : I eVer he stood firmly without moving on either ride while that ...

FROM on THE DEATH OF LONDONDERRY It to ku oink her 1 genius and ia 1 ere dae be braia

... ramify he would them lashed to the pedes already fixed Mr ordered the men to place them by the side of the scaffolding himself went up to the top scaffold to tie them with ropes whilst doing foe ropes slipped and fell backwards and narrowly escaped bemeprecipitated ...

iftrrJ - 11 fciltowM i Mt farbnli for (He ! of A fell ia all wepifor weary He Will lovely

... bankers At Cork Assizes Patrick convicted of shooting Mr I with intent kill for bis wife left execution T W on Exeter for robbery attempt to murder W Jeffry innocence last men were killed and third Edinburgh last week the of over off which running Mrs Kn ...


... this They accordingly broke open the house the night, and, the old man making resis'ance, the prisoner picked op hammer and killed him beating him on the head. The noise having alarmed the neighbour*, the prisoner and his companions ran away without their ...

1 : to cmlle mind sonl C frame tf-hea more n“ ” Bible Ti ISAIAH XXXV patriot) of summer desert

... More exhilarated last when oba mounting it 1 pray ycu up up an down shift for myself!’ Walter Rawleigh similar going the scaffold Play Tbe Gen Ogle unconquerable lore lie was to sail lor in Charles-street St I phy constantly I me the seven rauuug j the ...

be injustice -four public uttention his and splendid Views and exhibiting Theatre on the Science of Astronomy ..

... commenced reading funt ral prisoner or rather dragged two officers to the scaffold on which the javelin men others whose duty required their were already When arrived at the scaffold add placed under the fatal Griffith appears to have reserved strength for ...