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ae oes cm raat et : kt we ae ay it ee vay ¥ ’ - yo “, yt be

... Kitch WORE, *! BARBADO ee ship SUPPLY, as Bee gp EX + 4 yt and twer J behind 24 var gre, 3 18- pou w Gil 4 * Ship -PACKE & MOO ¢ ay erm ry or 2 aud Robert amy. “This hom ‘in three ceks j wil take Moun gua fz and ci JOHN FERGUSON: ‘rounders, @ SMITHS, ANCHOR ...

ONLY A FEW WEEKS TO THE DRAWING. THE increafing Tickets and Shares in the prefent English State Lottery, the Office

... Morton, Hoarc, Lewis, M. P. ( Colman, Andrews. M.P O'Keeffe, Kotzcbue, croft, Mrs. Jlachbald, Miss Lee- o;her literary Charac- j ters; Hayley, Gilbert Wakefield, D'lfraell, Wialiam Beckford, Rjv. Mr. Maurice,late Mrs Wollftencruft- Godwan, vUs Seward,, Mrs ...

Published: Tuesday 28 January 1800
Newspaper: Manchester Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 702 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

—_________ n-the Jage Jothua formerly Smithdew n-la ina hear | ry f | pool, are to being m an net

... any Ww rt or parts of th Canal and Douglas Navigation, between riga Liverpo the Coun Palatine of by advanci the ing Rates, an d Dutics upon fuch aforefaid Coals, Slack, and Ciuds laid hereof, .as the faid peoprictors thall cds upon fuch part or parts By ...

CHEAP REPOSITORY TRACTS. Friends of this inftitution having complained of not behlg able to obtain a r gular ..

... reprinted and fold by Evan's and Co No and 42. Long Lane, JVtJi Smithjidd, on the original cheap terms; that they are alfo fold by J. Hatckard, No. Piccadilly, London; by S. Hazard, Bath; and all other bookfellers. new correct Edition of all the Tracts in three ...

Published: Tuesday 25 March 1800
Newspaper: Manchester Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 487 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

;or SALK or CH-

... tons; is Only four years olc Fithi trade, or a Weft d . and adaptod for a pleafure boa ltic Alfo, the FLAT COLLIER will week Lk wu * z a Dales Chis Hap, To be SOLD by AUCTION ater’s office, Water-fret, Thi; D, | I At foha Drink w. roth of April, at Mm Aa 200 ...


... 18s. per buflßd. Sd. tiuart, I* •■, v in ditto, 16s. buflicl, or ,d. per quart. Marrow, and other larj-c kinds, 18s. per bufliel. or SJU perqttart, Onion Seed, warranted good, J*. per [j*- 4d. per mince. Beft Donbie Garden Matts, Boiling and Split Peas ...

Sunday’s and Monday’s Posts

... Prcfident. , . Thomas Pereival, M. D. F. R. S. Vice Pi eiidcnts. Charles White R S I Samuel Birdfley, M. D. Mr Thomas' Henry R Holme, M. D. Secretaiies—John Hull, D. Oaltoa. reufurer—Nathaniel Hey Efq. Librarian.—Mr. Jof Collier,Surgaon. ...

Published: Tuesday 13 May 1800
Newspaper: Manchester Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1778 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... in depth along Great Huctcr-lliru, 28 yard*. All that PIECE of LAND, fituatr on the Couth fide of fiit d_ from the to Mary none, called Sawney Pe>j»t* eel, containing in front 63 yards, and in depth to .\dditou-ftrcct, yard*. • * Alfo Sold, 90 yard* of ...

WHEREAS Crawford, Salford, the county Lancafter. fhoe-maker, hath, by in. denture bearing date the third day ..

... affignmcnt now lies at the office of Meffrß. Knight and Heron, attornies at law. Mulberry ftreet, Manchetter, for the infpeetion ar d execution of the creditors of the faid William Cravt» ford, and that fuch of them neglect or refue to execute the fame within ...

Published: Tuesday 10 June 1800
Newspaper: Manchester Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 495 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

BE SOLD, CAPITAL BAY GELDING, five Years Old, about fixteen Hands high, fit for the Field or Harnels. Enquire ol

... manufacturers, Manchefter afortfa:d, was this day , diffolved mutual content. All debts due and owing ' to and by the faid Peter Collier and Peter Staiham, will be received and liquidated by the Peter Sta tiiam alone. PETER COLLIER, jun. PETER STATHAM, jun. Witnefe ...

Published: Tuesday 10 June 1800
Newspaper: Manchester Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 638 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

j'H a Bank j .rupt, awarded and iffued James! ; Fomlret, now or late of Jlacithurn, the county of Lancafter

... j'H a Bank j .rupt, awarded and iffued James! ; Fomlret, now or late of Jlacithurn, the county of Lancafter Cotton Manufacturer, Dealer and Chap-j man, intend ro meet on the day of July next,'at ten o'ciock n the forenoon, at the houfc of John Hay dock ...

Published: Tuesday 17 June 1800
Newspaper: Manchester Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 781 | Page: 1 | Tags: none