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For MAft HNimiE, and

... the Eohl-ftrcct, No. 16, lately occupied Mr. BuGgny, held leaie undtr the Corporation of Liverpool, for lives and as hoofc has been newly painted, and may lie entered upon-immediately. For particulars apply Mr. Leigh, in Bafnett-Rreet. SELLING OFF, Prime ...


... Church, the Rev. Jiff. Vanfe, Mr, Ham Higjinfon, to Mil* Margaret Owens, daughter «f Mr. I, Oweus, jumcr, Byrotn-flrret. . . . Ou Sunday, at St. Idler’s Church, the Rev. C. Monk, Mr.- Henry Mrs. Elizabeth Burk. At Wigan, on lift, Mr. William ...


... Inlieritance, and eligibly fitnated fur Warehoufet; and further information may be had from Mr, Lacc, who i* anthorsfed to fcR the premifr*. UUNPOH'DER. FAYRER, KING and Co. HAVING commenced their GUNPOWDER MANUFACTORY, at LOW-WOOD, near CARTMEL, LANCASTER ...

MelT. Merritt and Wright, PHnt. rs, and Mr. Schofield 80-.kfellcr, have jull received frclli Supply of DR. ..

... rs, and Mr. Schofield 80-.kfellcr, have jull received frclli Supply of DR. BRODUM * BO IANICAL, SYRUP and NERVOUS CORDIAL New and Intcrcdin; Work, Juft PnhUilied in German and Englilh, price 3*. 6d. with the Dr.’s Portrait, dcdcatcd to the King’s Moll ...

• ' ‘ ‘ •■Toil ' , ! I ,-Tlie Arnori««n Ship TVVO SISTERS, | – – – J. KNIGHT, 'Klaftcr, 1 ; ' ~ood tad failiAg ..

... lad, have hi* Lodgings, Mr. Baker’a, No.. 6,. .Johafanfirat. then from fundry articles of Wearing Apparel tfh.a’ver will apprehend, or capfe to be apprehended, the faijl. ril nj»i* Tavl»r, and give notice to-the above Mr, JoiiAvr, tK»ll receive ...

nCE CRF.DiTQKS and ALL Perl,me having dviuandi againd the ofThamvlb lahd, late of the county »lccyafcd, oj ..

... the high Dutv paid, Bags GINGER. ; . AnJ-immtJuttly after tin , Mr. James Kcuvon’s Soaperv, near the bottom King ft* ' About ICO Tans SCOTCH KELP, in Loti. imiat.lintity jJ'ur tbe , Mr. Naylor’* warehoulc. the top of Hcnry-flrcct. About L’fjitcs Earthenware ...


... Wcinglnvf«£)tvm Hundred and Mine Hu -CYPHERS, atj'nurkcd and. nv.ihcKil { -m fcS? ,*i^ • he . Etri r an* w M»e . of laA month, Mr 1 ithcno|ton’«, Prefcot , , P,r R; Jatnes't* N. k tld abAre Tree, and Cypher*, arc now uputt u - fO*e PrqHrtj.J r To MAJESTi’* ...


... q-taner, and In yards, and adjorningon the north to the Chapel, and now in: occupation of Mr. Hoflcint Enquire of Ma. EM-astts, for partlculbrs. Tb'he AUCTION, Mr*. Oulton t, the XJver, irt Kirkd.ilt aift inti, four o'clock in the afternoon, tuniw then ...

SLrrifcffc at rfcool fmer our la^t

... particulars may had Mr. illiam Wl, Ulvt - done, of Mr. Stockdale, Cark, trudees appointed for the thereof, or of Mr.’ Rdbinl’on, attorney. Ulvcrdouc. BANKRUPTS. I Tinvtat. John Gaily, Tlwma. Mun,iay. March Aunl it. Star Inn, Mamhrfter: ath-rney, Mr. Jobotai, ManLlwoeT ...

Tki* '■-■ v •. «r fc. A •* SHORT H.*K|). r BV which rrorc m-y hr uri«. .me i.inr. than

... figned the Proprietor, and i.U .7 Add, and Retail, Mr. Uoofcy, i.Olu Broad-Street, Loudon t and Retail, all the Vender, of (burner Medicine* in Town and Conn -y: and by J. Cote and Son, Liiopool j and Mr. Walmflcy, I jocaller. BI.AINL Atit.ior the Anarwnv ...

Xfterpool, 3* ,B°o-

... African trade. Qa Monday the 34th ult. after fliort illn. fs, Mr. Edsund Mock, printer and proprietor the Citeftrr Courant. Same day, Dublin, Mr. W. Alder, merchant of this town. On Tucfday laft, Mr. John Redmond, Chriftian-ftrret. JOURNAL the WINDS sad WtATHLR ...