Advertisements & Notices

... at the Anchor, Thame, cl Mr. E. Wainwright, Butcher, Thame, tl Mr. Wright, Farmer, Womal, Buckinghanilhire, 0 Mr. Hawes, ditto, ditto, and c( Mr. Pa~fmore, Butcher, Brackley- near Windfor, pi With many others, have ufed the Compofition with fimilar Succefs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . B 4ediagbart - Earpassi Mr. Sam. Parfley Mr. Wm. Btitcher Mr. Robt. -ggas . s'i 7hz's Betgh Apeon. Mirk Butcher Mr. R.Brcttringham Mr. Sam. Clarke GUibigbaghl. Richard Day IMrs. l~nny Mr. W.. Glafsjoola ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Bitsy , N~r Alfeata Woorldge, hMrlbrase, iDbetadi Mr , en, .Mt. Sick~leprnce, I~acwtdib ; ,Mr -Baton, l'lperX ixb : Mr U:rI.rk'r'Detecai~an Mr flrsi'~kenib-ury '3ry^; lRkf i t al, wh i C~beisnfot)d Mr Mf-arlhtL, Lyrta, .a duby ill- the vc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... conflitu- tion. Sold at Hlalf-a Guine3 a bottle,by W. RAWSON, Hu LL; Mr. Teifeyman, York; Mr. Turner, Bever- ley; Mr. Binns, Leeds; Mr. Hargroye, Knatelbro'; Meffrs. Edwards and Son, Halifax; Mr. Boys, Don- cafier; Mife lindleys, Pontefra&tt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... London, and Retail by Mrs. Johes, Mr. Butlcr,:ar.d Mr. Statter, Stationers, Oxford, Price Shepcnce each. Pleife to enquire for Deacon and Morrell's Pencils, whofe Names are ftamprud sin each. From RiCHAIWD MARNELL, Efq. To Mr.: C1IN IG, _4pota;esnay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . Scott Mr. Dan. Peacb Mrs. Ghent. INort/sC'ove. R. Robin fon Mr. N. Ianate Mr. Ri Boydena Ltiddo'., f-enam .TExuflon. . Mr. F. Lemnan Mr. R. Linceoln .The Execut.o0is of M1utbard. . B. Primrofe the late ...

Advertisements & Notices

... itowlett Mr. Srephen Reeve Jqfcph Wjgg MiDDL.ETri. Robert El!my Mr. Richard Div Amos Forlaer IR Y P N% . Widow Lunnis Mr. John Manni s, Co ( FL E Y. WAL0 r5E.sWICt. rs. Mr. Sa:nuel Higliarm Mr. Ifaad Wa!Fis ait. Du N V I CiH . Francis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... viz. Dr. Bamateman's Pectlaa Drop-. Dr. Anderfiun's, or the True scot's Pills, Dr. ecl's Purging Elixir. Dr. Squ~ire's Grand ?? Dr. S S rghton's Stoumnachic Elicir. True ?? Elixir, tDr. Walker'sjefruits ?? and S aenfdc RScnaRdy. T ?? re ...

Advertisements & Notices

... carrying the coal. 'lhe wood ranicr5 in the different ditlriels w ill ihew the woods, and Mr Campbell, Writer to the Signet, I St James' Square, Edihbarglh, or Mr John Camsipbell, Writ cr ii; Irverary, vwho have power to oncldc a private bargain, betrwixt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Medicine, 'is anb of the firongeft proofs of its certain efficacy, and Mr. Ssv'rx- Tom has the fatisfadlion of bein-g enabled ro.give rA- ferences to many of the firft charaaers in, the king- domn, who have been cured of the Gout,-Rleumatifmt, Jaundice, Dropfj ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ot onze Paruntl Six fiatlimgeS Solal alfo 'la .Mr. I) ig~e IBu'y M r. A4llen. Woodbiadgcr Mr. Abboit, Debennatall Mr Enel~r, M 9r. Sicalaip ace' H'aravich- Mr .litaa~l, Norvasch; 1sfrBathesr Dereta t~ao 'Mr Bracketvttity I Ey; iN!ff. Mege,' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the fol.; .loving genuinc and truly ptepared medicines, viz I§r. Bateman's Pe&bral.props Dr. Story's1WPrm Cakes -Dr:- 1. Hooper's Femnale Pills Bathing Spiritst - Dr. Bcdocksa' Purging Elixir Fine Turned-Orange Peal Squires Grand Elixir - - Lady's Court ...