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Batwe parish of Arderseir was thrown into @ state of unusual excitement on the morning of Saturday. Qn the previous

... excitement on the morning of Saturday. Qn the previous evening a young and baxom damsel plighted her troth, befoge a Igrge party of young friends, to be faithful and true until death to she devoted swgin who led her to the altar, after a long and patient ...

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... from One to Th1ree Miles in lenugh-stlsaaer lots wril be made, if mecre convenient to parties wrishing to tende-, and one or more portions may be taken by the same party. Sections may he seen, withl tile Conditions of Letting, and fariher particilars obtainedtat ...

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... who were Ir. si ?? a--. , lac Magistrates, after a full hearing of the cafe, which lafled above ?? hoars, admitted b rth parties to ?? is, the f,„,, of 5000 L sesush, for appearance for tlse fel .try. ...

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... on telic t hey were originally based. it will be ~ed h the Director s to take powver from the Meeting to Hthe Sch1 to anly parties *rho way be willing to rent them .dacatiion5 pur-poses. Jaly 1, l3-i.___ ...

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... as Af insurance to the amount of the fine, payable on the de- +miseof a party nominated in such leases, will produce the sum required for renewal. It is a cheer:ng refuge to parties I engaged in extensive and speculative .uneeriakings it affords to persons ...

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... allow of Ford Camel ford's ?? ; when Lord V.-iiei.t.a and Captain ofthe navy, appeared I as bail for him, and the fcveral parties were bound over I for his appearance to anfwer for the aflaul ; Lord Ca- I me. ford himieirin 4CCO:. ar.i :iis two lureties ...


... yesterday morning, and arrived at Holyhead shortly after two in the afternoon. As the Banshee left the harbour with the viceregal party, the crew of her Majesty's steam frigate Dragon manned the yards and fired a salute of 21 guns. A tiv, 3. l was held at three ...

The ihape which public affair! have no-.v af- .umed, give reafon to entertain the expectations of a fpeedy ..

... negotiations ; and if both parties are in earaeii, ar.d fincei tly difpofed to accommo- date all differences, they may furety do fo now as well as at any future period. All, therefore, depends ..a the difpofitions bf the parties. It is lai-!, that Geivernaient ...

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... anr Inl- eoirance to the amount oftlbelinepayable onl the demise of a party nominated in such Leases, will prodoce the Stons requir- ed for rmnewval. It is a cheeriilgrefuge to parties engaged in exteinsive andspeculative undertakings: it affords to persons ...


... offices ; but in the present instance, the transaction between the Government and Sir James Graham is so creditable to both parties, that we rejoice it has transpired. It is a renewal on the part of Lord John Russell of those liberal dispositions towards ...

Q TO THE EDITOR OF THE CALEDONIAN MERCURY. Sir—The approaching visit of the Queen, on Thursday next, affords a ..

... CALEDONIAN MERCURY. Sir—The approaching visit of the Queen, on Thursday next, affords a splendid opportunity to the royal party, during the short space of only an hour or two, to survey the and romantic scenery of Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crags— and ...

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... with such studied caution, as to leave himself the latitude of fallieg in with any plan whatsoever, which it may please his party to prescribe? Will the Electors give their countenance to those who, while they breach gi up ?? economical government'- efficient ...