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... PENINSULAR WAR. We extract the following description of the taking of St. Sebastian's from Constable's Miscellany : it written by Mr. John Malcolm, late of the tai: The sea was bright and calm: not a cloud obscured the sky ; nut breath of air stirred ...

Published: Friday 22 August 1828
Newspaper: Leicester Journal
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 900 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... PENINSULAR WAR. extract the following description of the taking of St. Sebastian* from Constable's Miscellany : it is written Mr. John Malcolm, late the 42d: The sea was bright and calm i nota cloud obscured the sky: not a air stirred the leaves, or ...


... THE PENINSULAR WAR. - A A - - - -I - I- - IL 4A- . . -, -zAA1zAz-- Considerable interest has been excited in the literary Eon n t circles, for some time past, by the announcement that the Greg id Marquis of Londonderry was preparing for the-press a of ...

Published: Tuesday 06 May 1828
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1135 | Page: 3 | Tags: News 


... THE PENINSULAR WAR. (From the Timet.) It VII only th* other day that we recorded the intention of the War Office to wafer a grateful boon upon the private soldier; have no# to thank the authorities of the Horse Guards for another welcome but ...


... HISTORY OF THE PENINSULAR WAR. The first volume of this elaborate work, Mr. Soutbey, has at length appeared. So various and interesting are tbe details of events which unfold to our view one the most important periods of the History of Modern Europe, ...

Published: Friday 20 December 1822
Newspaper: Cambridge Chronicle and Journal
County: Cambridgeshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 853 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... ANOTHER PENINSULAR WAR. Such of our readers as are interested in continental politics will sufficiently acquainted with the cause and the extent of the revolutionary movements that, during the last six months, have perilled the Government of the Queen ...

Peninsular War

... Peninsular War. R. DOUGLAS, late of the 14th (King’s) Light Dragoons, will deliver a Course of Lectures at the Northumberland Rooms, a connected account of the Peninsular War, illustrated by Maps of all the principal Battles, on a very large scale. To ...

Published: Saturday 02 April 1836
Newspaper: Limerick Chronicle
County: Limerick, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 540 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... PENINSULAR WAR. THE BIVOUAC; OR, STORIES OF THE By W. H. Maxwell, Author of S'orie* of Waterloo” Wild Sports of the Writ,” Ac. 3 vols. Bvo. London : Bentley. more ram or more charming combination of bet and fiction have fever met with, than is found in ...

Published: Friday 01 September 1837
Newspaper: Sligo Journal
County: Sligo, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1539 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... THE PENINSULAR WAR. Just Published, in post Bvo., price boards, IBERIA WON : a P o em, d escr i pt i ve o f th e Peninsular War. With Impressions from recent Visits to the Battle Ground, and copious Historical and illustrative Notes. By T. M. HUGHES, ...

Published: Thursday 16 September 1847
Newspaper: Morning Herald (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 186 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Peninsular War

... (King’s) Light Dragoons, will deliver a Course of Lectures at the Northumberland Rooms, embracing a connected account of the Peninsular War, illustrated by Maps of all the principal Battles, on a very large scale. To commence with an introductory Lecture—Gratis— ...

Published: Wednesday 06 April 1836
Newspaper: Limerick Chronicle
County: Limerick, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 179 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... THE PENINSULAR WAR. Just published, in post Bvo., price 10s. 6d. boards, fBERIA WON; a Poem, descriptive of the Peninsular War. With Impressions from recent Visits to the Battle Ground, and copious Historical and Illustrative Notes. By T. M. HUGHES, Author ...

Published: Wednesday 22 September 1847
Newspaper: Globe
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 281 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... HISTORY OF THE PENINSULAR WAR. By Robert South ey, Esq. Thesecond volume of thisimportant national work, which has just appeared, embraces the period from January 1809 to February 1811; from the surrender of Corunna to the advance of Lord Wellington from ...

Published: Friday 09 February 1827
Newspaper: Cambridge Chronicle and Journal
County: Cambridgeshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1676 | Page: 4 | Tags: none