... Devon:—l am happy to say that there is no appearance of the potato blight, and our new potatoes are really beautiful, assuming their appearance-. We are now brought know the value of k r °od potatoes, which, when plenty reigned, we never appreciated. The ...


... TfME POTATO CROP, Ia addition to the details to be found il to-days a I paper, rospecting the potato crop, we n may liere sub- r I join the following. In the Belfast Xoroth0'ei, Whig there are lcetcrs U appearing, from a commercial gentlenll travelling ...


... THE POTATO BLIGHT. Within tbe last eight or ten days complaints have been pretty general that the potato disease is spreading very rapidly throughout the country. Up to that period the croops were in general looking well, with tbe exception of a few withered ...

Re production op thb Potato.—a correspondent of the Huffalo Commercial Advertiser states some important facts ..

... stated by Mr. Smith that the seed of his new potatoes will now produce a potato of a respectable size, and while the eeed of the worn-out plant at first gives potato hardly of the size of a pea, the seed of a potato renewed will now produce a tuber of an eatable ...

Hkat. We have been shown ear wheat, crown William Jeffery Lockett, E>q., this town, the Fainworth estate, near ..

... produce 1650 grains of wheut, increase which we way venture to call most amazing. Setting Potatoes.—A gentleman who has made several successful experiments in potato growing has expressed the opinion that planting n ...


... tendency of the ex- changes having been checked, and the extremely favourable accounts of all the crops, except those of potatoes and beans, having tended to quiet the corn market. In the beginning of the week the reports from the chief wheat growing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WOODSTOCK UNION. ANTEDl for the supply of the Woodstek urnion. XVt Worlmuse,-100 Sack of best POTATOES. Tenders to set in to the Clerk by Eleven o'cloek on Tuesday the let f October next. By order of the Board of Guardians ,5~pt.17,184. BNJ 11O1LONWAY ...

Suicides. - Friday afternoon, Thomas Adams Williams Richards, a young man ot highly respectable connexions in ..

... in the roof of the kitchen. She had been subject fits of melancholy, occasioned by peculiar notions religious subjects. Tub Potato Disease.—Within these ten days the disease, which had almost disappeared irom our vegetable mat kef, has manifested itself ...

Mr. Stanford, the Conservative candidate, has been returned for Reading, having polled more votes than those ..

... Prolific Potato. —Mr. Clear, gardener, Weedon, renting a garden near the barracks, some days back dug up a root which there were fifty-one potatoes, and several other roots having on each respectively 20, 30, and potatoes. Before setting the potatoes, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Polmaise, causes of Knotshorpe, near Lceds fa.ilure in Potato disease and salt Heating, Polamase, Winchester Posultry, roup in Chur h Pruning fruit trees lhealting, Pclmaise, miniature Salt, and potato discase limne-Lills for Savings banks Heating, Polmaise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... believe in the potato disease-considers them (the potatoes) relishing. His Grace the Duke of RIcHMOND does partially believe in the distress-suggests bringing potatoes from Portugal. Ills Grace the Duke of NORFOLK has planted nine potatoes in a hot-house ...


... pounds ef beef. Let the wh le •toil two hours longer, and it will make an csceilent meal for fix perfons. ! ». POTATOES and CABBAGE. Potatoes boiled with one third part of white cab- J bage and onions, and maflned up with a little fat or { butter, pepper ...