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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... REVIEW. LONDON CHARTIST MONTHLY MAGA- ZINE. London, Watson, Paternoster Row; Leeds, Hobson, Morthern Star Office; Man- ohester, Heywood. We rejoice to see the punctual issue of a new number of the Magazine, and to learn from its talented Editor, that ...


... Urbiewo. THE DEMOCRATIC REVIEW OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN POLI- TICS, HISTORY, AND LITERATURE. Edited by G. JULIAN HARNEY. No. 2, July. London: 5, Wine Office-court, Fleet-street. THE articles in this number of the Democratic Review are numerous and varied; ...


... all try to find room for this article or the moat of it, next week. A good review of &mpbell's Uves Of English Chancellors follows. Our Hearth and flomested is the review of an excelent work bear. ing that title, l'y Jonx MLNs, author of The Old ...


... success that her ok talent and ingenuity so well merit. as PUBLIeAT1CNS REtcuvaix- The Wetamisieter and Foreign Quarterly Review, July; Hintmond's Colonial tot Magaznine, July I'llowztt's JTournal. Part 6 ::People' Journtal, Part 18 ; II Man in the ...


... by the extracts given in this article, the philosopher does not appear to great advantage in this work. We gather from this review that Mr. BuRToN objects but little to the scepticism of Hums, the philosopher h..ving been a respectable atheist! The speu ...


... extending a knowledge of His Majesty's proclamations; and now, the many demands made upon us in the columns devoted to ' Reviews, pre- vent us giving any very full notice of the recent labours of the honest, philanthropic, and brave 6' Old English Gentleman ...


... ofthisjoutrnal, to a review th ,i of Thom's poems ; it is, therefore, uniecessary that in i we should nou say many words more than merely an- re .nounce a new edition of the poet's works. This iyl edition is cheaper thasnthe one reviewed last April ; Its ...


... Esq., and ERNEST Jogse, Esq., (Bar- risters at-Law). LUndon: Northern Star Office, Iii, Great Windmill Street. The task of reviewing this month's number of the Lcbottrer Is an easy one. We can find nothing to censure; and praise of the literary ability displayed ...


... corrupt vagabonds and rascals who had or o owned seats in the Irish Parliament, for their assent S to the Act of Union. A review of the administra- r, tion of India and the Colonies opens up further exhi- P bitions of unblushing corruption and rapacious ...


... prominent articles in this part we notice Mineral Waters in and near the NIetropslis. Horrors of War, from the Westminster Review, The Rector's Daughter. A most interesting article on the history, laws, institutions, manners, customs, &c., &c.. of that ...