... and beatens in a moltc ci'uel manner. Suscive.-Oo Tuefday evening a woman dirownxed hserfelf in rhe New River, near Coleheoke Row. She was tsbfeived by ohe watcisrisail walkineg feveral times backwa..d and tarw~ard, but vvnhoiut a :y Lfupicisn of comm luting ...


... blight. O iliike the to peace ■ A-d let Ihe gen 'lj foothing ftrair, Lull to repofe thy mother's pain, And bid her lot row ccafc ! For t'n.e, dear maid, at early _-wr, l.cav's'a dews (hall weep upon the lawn. And, wiih fufpended wing, The drooping ...


... ian' Over thg fountain, was a large canopy built, and on re. it a little boat floated, with a young fallor boy, who. 3ur rowed round the fountain, filling the cups for all B led comers. . Thefe were computed to am. unt to up- tnt wards of fix thoufand ...


... Afia, apt. Robert he Wardlow; Minerva, Capt. Keimrard Smith;i Rofe, ch Capt. Wemyfs Orrok; Britannia, Capt. Thomas Bar- of row;, Lord Thurlow, Capt. Win. Tiiomfon; William to Pitt, Capt. Sir Charles Mitchell; Marilip, Capt. as John Altharn Cumberlage; ...

r los -p. , ?? -th. betwixt the h. i.l of Pre - ?? 7:i ! ?? little : bove

... English out in th-ivlr.g pl:ii7tatl,,'77— 7m , f which are lar ai:- vanced There are besides a -rent many old trees ?? hedge rows upon the estate, which might be thinned to advantage. The iands are we'd inclosed am* subdividi d, tartly wiih ditches and ...


... vernment. The Chouans are greatly irritated at his having broken his word with them. Hoftilities- will not commence until tD-mor- row the loth. On the Continent this is matter of great aftliaion, although every one is convin- ced that the terms which Bonaparte ...

CORONER's [ill]

... BAN Saturday evening a coroner's inquelt AdY was taken before Anthony Gell, Efq. at the fign oftbe QOueen's Head. 'r'avialock-roW, Covent-garden, on view of the body of Lieute- nzant Cockburn, a young military officer, who put an end to his exiltence on ...


... -tatof a Crimea and Ito this crime he has added dt.oehanin~ nsarure, Jelf -nurder 1 Thvlanwohad borrowtd 11 the aloniy from Row, weint, previoufly to his going OXi- and lad fi-N -wcaringaapparej.4~1ft -by~~ewtr f.ilde. This, which paae~iieoe~e~o P ie, ...


... flated, that on turning round to his men, to bid them row in a particular direction, lie obferved the man at the fecond oar-(Lynn, the doceafed) was down, and had been flint . they notwithiflandina rowed rolnd, and fired again at the fmuggler; about this ...


... Lion-ftreet, Seven Dials, baker 3 10 ,Tlaies Scots, Srratford, Effex, lnme-burr ~- 3 It' . ofe~ph H-aton, Rob.c~rt-trect, Redford-row, cpbinet-maker I tu 'iinshcJl Parr, London, inftiraincc broker iiv.] xI R. T~nlhleke,, North Audlcey-itrcet, butcher ' iv George ...


... iS Aldenren, and the t:.v ie t No alteration was made in the price of Bread, hihe Regulations for, the ?? of the Watermen rowing upon,the river Thancs, and the Rates or Fares to be takenb . 'thlenm, was taken into confideration. Counfel was heard in be- ...