... COASTERS SAILED. For Wisbech, John and Mary, Pinder; Eliza, Burton. For Lynn, Joseph & Ann, Clayton; Rose, ArnoId ; Hop, Kewarth; Blessing, Haworth ; Joshua & Mary, Newton. For Boston, Jane, Towell. For London, Surrey, Taylor; Jubilee, Howeth; Humber ...


... FOREIGN SAILED. For Amsterdam, Thuisous, Drews. For Hambro', Emma, Wise ; Army, Shimells; Stepen Gee, Clark; Brothers, Lawson. For Antwerp, Thornton, Brigham; Elizabeth, Sutherland ; Vrow Margina, Ojes. For Bremen, Gute Hoffnung, Frericks. COASTERS ARRIVED ...


... under all plain sail and all port studding-sails. During forenoon Frolic carried away the goose-necks of two lower studding-sail booms, and carried away one fore top-most studding-sail boom ; Pilot always putting herself under the came sail ...

Departure of the Caledonia.—This vessel, commanded by Capt. Lott, sailed from Liverpool yesterday for Halifax ..

... Departure of the Caledonia.—This vessel, commanded by Capt. Lott, sailed from Liverpool yesterday for Halifax and Boston, with a large cargo and a full compli mtftat of passengers. She likewise took out specie to the amount of 40,0001. ...

Dundee.—The Whalers.—Thursday, at noon, four out of our fWe whalers—the Alexander, the Horn, the Advice, and ..

... four out of our fWe whalers—the Alexander, the Horn, the Advice, and the Princess Charlotte—sailed from the harbour for Davis' Straits; the Fairy having sailed about a month ago for Old Greenland. The day was fine, and, as many of their crews had come ...

The Hindostan Steam-siiip.—The Peninsular and Oriental Company's steamer Hindmtan, Capt. S. Lewis, arrived ..

... .—The Peninsular and Oriental Company's steamer Hindmtan, Capt. S. Lewis, arrived yesterday at Seuthampton. The Hindustan sailed from Mauritius the Bth, and Cape Town on the 29th of May, and brine' the latest dates both from that colony and Mauritius ...

Shipping Intelligence

... Cabello, and sailed 9th November for Santa Martha Rio Hache Scotia, hence and Malta at Oalatz Joseph Anderton, Ridley, hence and Laguayra Puerto Cabello, and sailed 13th November for Santa Martha Flora, Drummond, hence at Gibraltar, and sailed 13th instant ...


... that the Castlereagh aight have sailed on the morning of the Ist of Septeinber. The quesfioa for the opinion of the Court was, whether or not the sail- ing of the ship, under the circuestaosee stated, cotnstitut- ed a sailing within the terms of the wvarrantey ...