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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Iotels, Trarvellers, &c., tsan elegant, etionomieal, o wAC. and salutari' prepiratlon fic' the instanitaneous dressing of Salad, j-o mOi- Lobsters, Craw Fish Child Meats, &a. Warsonted to keep ey, asov fted d yWLIMIA L,(Ol Proprietor and Suc- ~ La ce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RT AND O.,thoi NetDo oteCvlCat. whil Prot T -GERDES'S ORtGINAL CELEBR~ATED the -S&LAI,) DRESSING tha aDOR GENERAL SAUCE FOR SALADS, SHELL FISH, COLD Adly MEATS, eec. fee. P rp H I S useful and much esteemed Article is mo Lonnfidently recommended to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 2 Crown ditto .. 0 Itcastd-dito41t-o..2 6 Sirlianwlaimes aitti 4 X I ;~~st C!} tP)3i3~ ?? @D . rioPICES, &c. Fine Macb Salad Oil -Sb onoi Cloves Tapioea udied Ctemon Cinnamon Fie sigso tto Citron Nutmega Peasl Sago Ditto Orange Cassla Red DittoA Indian ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 24 Siippes' Plates, 24 Cheese Palse~I'FSojp Tsjceen, Stand,'and Ladle,48asoce Ture, Staned. and Ladle. 4 Covet ed Dishes, I Salad B9owl, 2,Pie Dises I Fish Drasiner, 4 P c~ties, 4 Sauce Bsats; rE Total, 16S Pmeces for'd lS'1SA th SlI1FPING OiRDERS- Executed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Spirit Boit~tles51 Honey Ma log Cups, DessetServices, in. sets Of -Single Dishes, Water Ju gs, Maie My Quxart Slsfitflecanters, Salad and Sugar Bowls, Cream Pails, ott t6j Plates, and many Other Articles of doetcue Ih whl. fleaf ?? alewithut te lest rser e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Invous ;-Efl'ects of Malt Liquor On Health;--on Vegetable ce Diet by P. B. Shelly, Us%. ;-Qualities and Eirects of Sugar. hI, Salads, Broiled Mest, Ginger Beer, Champaign, Vtnsson. Of Bruised Turkey, &-c. ;-Chemicai Principles of Easy Shaving.; -Gout and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nis0 by ift[DDLEWVOOD'S FA-MILX' FRUGIT WAREHOUSE, No. 10, sat ccd PArker-street, Church street; ashere ore on Sale Salad P!i 00t- OIl Is,. Gd. per flash, Varirneuth Kit Herrings 11)1. to lcd. Bee itsae duzcn,' Cicca Nuts 4d. to is. e'ichn Walnuts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fluted and Plain H. Telescope, Table, Bracket, and C'hamnber Calu~lesticks, 9,5, ?? yand ?? Branches, Snuii'ers and Trays, Salad Stands, Bread yBaskets, Butter Coolers, 8, 7,6, 5, and 4-bottle Cruet Frames, 4,_h, anid 2-bottle Liquor Frames, Soy Cruets ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Goblets, Wine A, .estfqut and pint Decanters, Dessert Dishes. Sugar andi-I cy Cops~, Butter Coolers, Celery'- -Glasnses, Salad Bowls, &c. thi shoie consigned fey, imeridiate saec. ~;To he viewed on. Tuesday next, the l8th, when Catalogues may be had ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Liverpool, wcho )r ;5 hadeeprecdisbnfca fetmyb hal f any of the itool1. - 0 GERDES'S ORIGItNAL CELEBRATED SALAD DRESSING. OR GENERtAL SAUCE FOR, SALADS, S11ELL FISH, COLD MEATS. &~C. &C. 'V H I S useful ant imuch esteemed Article is- ~M L confident'ly recommended ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thursday next, the 2s0th instant, at Teve o'clock, at On I WMr. Ruscow'i office, Water-street, at I- aw sks OLIVE OIL,G 13 Ditto SALAD OIL, 12 Barrels ANCHOVIES,T 900 Bats Velotila SHIUMAC. Pa Apply tO WA131.E ROSCOW, Broker. an tard, On Friday, the 2eeth inetsint ...

Advertisements & Notices

... kept, containing upwards of 2410 Volumes of pi, Ulhoice Wlrksri. hoout LA V O~I riginal Celebrated SALAD DRESS- QUAI C0ING.tor QRShiERAL SAUCE for SALADS, SHIELLFISHi, Wo'l OI)MLtATS, ftc. &e., continue, to be prepared by the Isole -Prom-ietmr. JOi IN ...