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... had first ascertained from, M'Mahon that Mr. Joseph Sturne, the principal direetor of the Society for the Aboli- tion of Slavery, and having their offica in Tokenhoute- yurd , was to be tie paymaster, tun. take the whole con- trol af the management of ...


... NEGRO SLAVERY. TO THE EDITOR OF THE MORNING CHRONICLE. RIt ispresumed that many of your readers have seen in The Timesof the 3d instant, and siocin The Courier and 1 e John BuLl, a comlitlliication. addressed to me, on the subject of Negro Slavery, and ...


... why should not bond do the same work under the same stimu- lants ? By making the condition of slavery our national punishment, we incur the expense of slavery us well as all its other incidents. I wish that the subject had another expositor-the cause a ...


... Alderman Gibbs asked if he was abletospeak? The officer said yes; he asked for his breakfast. The prisoner was remanded. GERMAN SLAvERY.-At Worship street, Bernard Gar- lorch, a native of Germany, and Ann his wife, were charged by Eliz. Andars, a young girl ...


... liberated on Monday last. M. de Tracy has renewed the motion of M. Passy in the Chamber of Deputies for the abolition of slavery in the French colonies. The question was to be debated in the private sittings of the standing committees of the Chamber on ...


... paintings of British victories and feats of arms, but Mr. Brooke's career was a victory of philanthropy over oppr& sion and slavery. (Hear, hear.) The court were too acquainted with the points of Mr. Brooke's life to render 57 derail necessary. The son of ...

Case of the Cotton Spinners of Preston

... dens called union workhouses, there to fiuish their existence. Will you not struggle to rescue these men from such horrible slavery ? Let union be their watchwork, for it is only by our united efforts that we are to conquer. He trusted that taeither mis ...

Case of the Cotton Spinners of [ill]

... called union workhouses, there tor finish their existence. Will you not struggle to rescue these mca., from such horrible slavery? Let union be their watchwork, for it is only by our united efforts that we are to conquer. He trusted that neither misre ...

Case of the Cotton Spinners of [ill]

... dens called union workhouses, there to finish their existence. Will you not struggle to rescue these nca from such horrible slavery ? Let union be their watchwork, for it is only by our united efforts that we are to conquer. He trusted that neither misr ...

Case of the Cotton Spinners of Preston

... delis called union workhouses, thereto finish their existence. Will you not struggle to rescue these inca from such horrible slavery ? Let union be their watchwork, for it is only by our united efforts that we are to conquer. He trusted. that neither nii ...


... You are called together to petition Parliament, at this event_. ful crisis, for the immediate and entire Abolition of Slavery throughout the British dominions. Read the wsrds of the late Mr. Stephen Accused by our opponents of meditating a general ...


... So- merset, who was brought up on a hlabeds corpus ; and Lord Mansfield declared that the air of England was too pure for slavery, and that Somerset being within the kingdom of EnR- land, was no longer a slave. Lord Mansfield added, that sla- very wars ...