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Advertisements & Notices

... ION. ?? OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, AND I.ELODY OF SPEAKING DELINEATED. MR. ACGENIS has the honour to inform his iq FrieudsPI'd the Public, that he intends, on SATUR AY Evenirig, the 24tb inst. to read and speak various select Passages from SEHAKESPEARE, MILTON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Leese were present when my sheep were shorn, and I have heard them speak of the utility of dipping sheep in this composition, MIr. B.'s shepherd, who is the entire manager of his flock, speaks in very high terms of it. I cannot possibly see either of the persons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... First-Because, in 1832, you would not speak pkain This renders it doubtful whether you speak plain yet. It is, therefore, necessary that you speak in a manner that de- fies misconception. Sefendlv,-Yot ought to speak plain, because. in 1832. as is stated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... particulars of his case, which he has kindll urnj To his very lucid and striking statements (tich close) I can add nothing, they speak for themselfis; but I may oh- e serve, that on his leaving Liucolnsbire it was the decided 'i impression of all his friends ...

Advertisements & Notices

... property, or make a bona fide Freeholder ;-tbat therefore the person before them was not a Freeholder, and had no right to speak ill this the Freeholders' especial Court, unless they granted it to him as a special indulgence. -Upon this, a Freeholder ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Milton, Pope, Gray, Young, bhomsom, Dryden, Collins, Gold- smith, Scott, and Byron. Lectures will be delivered on the art of Speaking, and on Gesture and Action, both ancient and modern. The Student wvI be taught, also, to read the Psalns and the other Scrip ...

Advertisements & Notices

... will he respsctf!illy Attended to. EDUC ATION1 ITALIAN AND FRENCH, MMAHRT 'by a Gentleman Educated on the 1 Continent, who speaks both Languages with fluency. References wrill be ftound highly res pectable, by Letter di. rected to A. B. flt Mr. Tyrrell's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... extensive Stores and Offices for the sale of Pine Apple Whiskey by the quart and gallon, at 12s. It is needless for the Vender to speak as regards the above splendid Spirit, it being now six years old, having all the aroma of the Pine fully blended in the body ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tuition.. Adults, who having neglected tile study of the French Lan- gieage, and are desirous of acquiring a facility of speaking it,' Wvili find this a desirable opportunity of attaining this uselul a PWegant .accomplishment. Ladies' Clssses mee at-various ...

Advertisements & Notices

... qualifications are you sball hear. FIRST QUALIFICATION. Mr. MI'Canrce can l/ohd Zluder, and speak less, than any moan in all Belfast; and wben he d es speak, his amount of sense is like two grains of whea bels of chaff_ you may search all d finhen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUILDINGS, to deliver a Farewell Lectureon tbe Melody and Rhythmus of the English. Language, and the ! art of Reading and Speaking. The respective theories of the principal Professors in LONnON, EDiNzsuaaa, GLASGOW, DUBLIN, and CoaK, will be pointed out; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and tradig- minterests, but also in its unrivalled chaktabie and literary establishments. - It is not necessary for me to speak on the subject ofthe Reform Bill, now the law of the land:-to that Bill (which bas 'enfranchised our town) the most strenuous ...