... recorded votes of a character so entirely opposed to the views entertained by the great majority of bis consti- tuents, that to speak of him any more as representing tbeoopinionsof lanchesterissheerfolly. Manchester, by the voice of Mr. GiBsoN, declares its ...

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... eludicated in a Series a of Dialogues, selected from the most approved Wri- ters, and preceded by approptiate Ru1les for Speaking S and Writing French. By George Saulez. Third Edition'. Price 2s. bound. C In the Press, A KEY to the EXERCIsES of John Perrin ...

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... ornament; my tresses fell iD4 rapid decline,, became extremely thin and gray. and at sumed the appearance of advanueed age. Speaking truly, I became actually horrified, by the bumilititI c artge which,-howeveri resorting ot orowedlocks, Icest to conceal ...

The parliamentary coach has made scarcely any perceptible progress this week. Monday was taken

... made at long, liut a very ]kiaulent Df speech, speaking of almost every thing connected Lo with our foreign policy but the subhject that should ghave been under discussion. This gentlemaxialwavs w! se speaks with the nanner of a manl who has- no con- ca ...

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... Bristol, after trying it once only, on hoard the Brig Monmouth and the Seaman's Chapel, which were overrun, writes, I cannot speak too highly of the Killer; the mice are all vanished. The mystery is, what has become of them ? for I can trace no signs of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... extensive Stores and Offices for the sale of Pine Apple Whiskey by the quart and gallon, at 12s. It is needless for the Vender to speak as regards the above splendid Spirit, it being now six years old, having all the aroma of the Pine fully blended in the body ...

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... ornament; my tresses fell into y rapid decline, became extremely thin and grayt, and as- y sumid the appearance of advanced age. Speaking tlx , n I became actually horrified by the bumiliating thange; e which, however; resorting to borrowed locks, I comtrived ...

ov.„ \„« with i

... almost as woliderlul as that the same description in lornier times lot as the Apostles had the power the Gospel being able speak to Varlhians, Klaiuitcs, Alesoiiotamiaiis, Cappadocians, Phrygians, piulians, Egypti;ins, iv\blaiis, Komaus, Cretes, Arabians ...

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... -BLUPF KING HAL. nessrs. Bolmusns, Paulo, Flesaore, and Le Barr; Miss Faweett.- Doors open at 6O. LYCEVM Tims EvEvrwo, WHO11 SPEAK'S FIRST,-A ROMANTTIC IDEA. (3rd time), Me.sre. C. Mlathews, Hall, Roxby; Miss Fitzwillisa, Miss Ilowaod.-HllE' KING OF riHE ...

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... Court's lnfeigned admira- tion of his private character. Thatthis Court cannot resist the opportunity thus afforded them, of speaking in detail, of the services which Lordl Viscount Sidmouth has, at different periods of his honourable and useful life rendered ...

The Late Murder at Berkeswell, near Coventry.—Birmingham, Saturday.—lt will be recollected that the young man ..

... onions, apples, seeds, ana flowers, ana eighty sheep, the produce of the place. Not having seen them on landing, we cannot speak as to their appearance and quality, but as the Cape invariably described by parties acquainted with the place as being most ...

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... shoot out thchr arrowe, even bitter ivords. Tley hava said, with our ton gues will we prevail'; we are thev tbat *?lght to speak; who is .T.ord over us? But their own tongues shall nke them fall; insomuch,; ?? whoso seethlthe;q shalllassgh themn t Pscorn ...