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Advertisements & Notices

... that every man shave bhniself with qiicrnes ! art,? rsrromfort. To obtain this great luxury, provide rcif sith a good Razor, Razor Strop, seith a box of Tl0(2iASS JOHNSTON'S celebrated DIAMOND E PASTE, all to be had from the different Perfumers, &c. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ONE SHILLING II! HOMAS JOHNSTON'S DIAMOND PASTE stands unrivalled for giving RAZORS a keen, pleasant, and comfortable Shaving Edge. Then I say to every man who has a Blunt Razor-Try, and :beliere.-S/ave, and-be satisfied.. F Sold by all the principal Perfamers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... that hie has commenced business 'ha;t support wir~lk Mr Laing so ldng,1 enlloved. 4, St, 'Nicbolus Street, May 27, 183. Y.B. Razors .Setose the shortest ?? 3,KTRAORDlINAIRe CIXVtP AND EXTENSIVE SALEC OiF IC INA, GLASS, AND STONEWARE, tiii At Sthe Clatna ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and Tea ditto, from is. Ai. a dozeo to 4s. 6d.; Pen, Pocket, and Sportsmen's I(nives, - Si.' 63. a dozen to 5S. 6d. each R Razors and Ra- ror Straps,.fromn 2s. Gd. a dozen to 20s.; Scissars,' from Is. to 91ias. a dozen. P Pistols, from I Rs. a pair to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... quick. - I aetin solicit iour- uniteil support in favour of e T.J ,NWSTO'S SHAWING LIQthID, DIA.tIOND n PASTE, - IMPROVED RAZOR STRAPS. And- Pr on the days of Electionai meny- ,Igain at the head of the PoU stand ounairllvea and mal the thouajnds of smooth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... great variety; Table and Defert Iinives and Forks, yaripuss, hndles, frotu the befL n41;- kers-'; ,Pennives, Scifars, and Razors; Queen', Metal ±~ble and Tea S ;oo~ss, 14ann-ed Tea Trays, Waiters, ane Biead Ba{Lcets, Brafs'- ad Japanned Canffledick's ...