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... oet. It appeared that she lived in his employ as a servant. and the money named having been missed from a desk, she was suspected and taxed with the theft, being told that if she spoke the truth, it would be better for her. ...


... anid character-_Mrs. Shmoulbrook *kaid, that she had her - chiildrenm and a number of friends to speak to her conduct as ti a seife and mnottier.-Mr. MINSHULL said, that it appeared Fh they had eachi of timeisa a Strong party of friends ; ...


... person for a wife for my son. She told me I bhd never been a motber to my soil; I asked her, how should I she know any thiig tabut a ioler, or a nnorher's feelings, I young person as sie was ? I said, pray, ...


... from her person. She stated that she was an Italian and a teacher of music, and that she took it in mistake for a book, which she usually car. ried in her hand. Upon the previous examination, Mr. Gregorie ...


... the money if you have it. Shte said she had not got it. I then askw i her whether she would scud her niece to accompany mete tier house to bring a reecipi which she said she hual in order to get mouey from the launk. ...


... Towler deposed that Mary Ann Bird had lodged with her about a fortnight, and she believed her to be a proper and well- conducted girl. Witness .was aware that Bird had a small gold watch. for which she said ...


... governess, and that a month or two after the death of Mrs. Wells, Miss Grenetill, being little ieore than fourteen years of age, brought against trie defendant a charge of havlg forcibly violated her. She was ultimately delivreod of a stala child, and, ...


... at tie1lynre har o iels ieo ir st Septem- ber, 1823. About this time there hirrd b~~~~een a new ojsera ill pres- ,a prrtoi hc Ms ao a aigned a princip~al par.-tI I$ an twsepce ob eyrinta~eouis to tire theatre, iried y te cmicpoersof r. ista. ...


... orders, but she raised contributions upon certaln of those who supplied her in her master's name. From ooe she took up a sovereign, from another balf a-6oVereign, and so on; and It is believed that siue did this for the entertainment of a ...


... took, her to thle ' station house, whore site gave- lter- name Ann Samindera. Site was locked up, and fin the macrt- ing, she was taken bofore at magistrate, wilen Mr. Pipkin , attended in a tveak state with lil a rm in ...


... the prisoner giving a t eheque upon a bank where he had no effects constituted a r nriminal offeneo, and had the whole amnount been paid it a would make no difference in the nature of the crime, for which he should appear before a jury. It ...