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then to be predaerg Aft. thie MESSUAG ¥ or btuate op the wett ae nan of Meg. fhoe-maker: RO Sy

... Schools for the i an Spamens Without dw dl Og On the *prémcipally that total of et 0 ys wi early ye dees the ‘boy. ee a our. Theatre, for This ny mein reticty af feet 6f a favourite bu the briliday fulks,-cos and Mrs. we of Strength, A né Nat mm tpmime, called ...

wer a c So be MLE by bont2act, PIECE of LAND, with fundry old thereorg « [4 ing. from Strand-frevt

... evening, fubje T of LAND on the fouth fide of Branfwick-Mr the corner of U pep Drury-lane, Liverpoul, ng-« bein oO the Old ‘Theatre, nuw converted | rut rooms, in front to Brucfwick-ftreet 10 yards rly ning in depth backwards along the front of Upper Dru ...


... of Brunfwick>,'treet, and at the coriKr of Upper Drury-lane, Liverpool, wick tlte building thereon, being pjrt of the Old Theatre, now converted into Ware* rooms, containing in front to Bnanfwick'ftreet 10 yards, and running in depth backwards along the ...

Vtrr great encouragement given to Clubs, Societies, &e

... fora dclituation the charudtcn, and a view of the acliom produdfiont, of all who have iuibiiued diltirguiflird parts or. theatre the world, will a’.fo allow concifc notice i*f j inferior confiquence, who, from particular have deferred lie ...

Soe 2d ¥ Lvuch and Stames; S « ivon Tice >t per bottle 3 Or ¢ t { { ones

... while it affords fall for a of the characters, and ot the procuctions, of all who have fi Qiined dithinguifhed parts o1 theatre of the world, will ailo allow a concile notice of thol fons of inferior confequence, who trom particular circunift have dcferved ...

| oO BERT WORRALL, Painter, takes the libetty o ef. | ew ee owen account. and returns hn Gs hie

... Torrigners, famous where uJ of ant! out littl: known in Fngland. 4. Fugitive Pieocs from various Languages. ot on Forcian Theatres, Actors, Mufi ians, 1 with notice pt juch Dramatic Novelucs as fhall be doen iTV, In of attention, axe) 6. Articles, and ...

MelT. Merritt and Wright, PHnt. rs, and Mr. Schofield 80-.kfellcr, have jull received frclli Supply of DR. ..

... to Mercantile Purpole*.—The Four Derviftte*. a Pcrllan Romance.—Hiftory.of the German Drama.—Notice* concerning the German Theatre, —Ufc pf l.izanh a* a Cure for the Leprofy.—Hiftory of the Fine An*.— Memoir* the Life and WYiting* Bilhop of I.andatf.— 1 ...

vjMnfrr- BY aoctiom

... the fo 4 ee SHES Spt for Lxpertation or Home'Cénfumption. n Lots agreeable t6 Which will be putup i J.and 3. MATTHEWS, Brok THEATRE-ROYAL LIFERPOOL. R. ASTLEY moftt refpectfully informs the Public, th A aumcrous Company-of Prato and ltl KMERS, are jut « ...

B. The above goods may be viewed the day befar ale at 14 Ase nrecilele ee en ly aparch 1

... commencement of 4, °s Scafenin Liverpool, looked upun from the numbers of every defcription of char that refdrted to the Theatre on Monday. Night, of. tli | ia aufpictous Openings.that has taken place for a many years., ier, the rife of the Curtain to ...

- .V A . , , MsoLdT r- A for harness Coock-maWcr. W.^by. Greavei BE AUCTION, ' l .' Brunfwjck-ftrat,on

... .L>ace Liverpool, at whofe Office a plan of the Eflate lodged. - tna THaCK MicnT* OMLr—~£Mtirt Cham of Ptrfonumet, ~ ~ ' THEATRE ROYAL, LIVERPOOL, 72« frtftut Mr*,. friity »I/f, Satndaj ■ • ■ March tBoO, tuill bt fTtftmtod, SLACK ROPE VAUI.TINO. Comic ...

~~ —_ ll ee | In lots agreeable to the pu rchafers. To be fecn any day previous to the

... fituate in) near the F tor further particulars apply to William Kiara, No. 8, } st. o¢ Br. Murrow, attorney at law, i Me THEATRE-ROYAL. ‘a Pi the Lift Nyt bus Three of the Company's 2 BRADBURY mult informs bis fryep ds th “1 is fixed for MONDAY next, ...


... courte of the Evening: will be ‘introduced, Cotzin’s bo Passions, by a Gentleman ,of this Town, being bis ince on any S tage. THEATRE-ROYAL LIPERPOOL. Me DUBOIS, fenfible of the liberality of the Ladies and G. rpool, has ventured ‘to t Public in general of ...